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关于”高学历的价值“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The value of Higher Education。以下是关于高学历的价值的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The value of Higher Education

The benefits of higher education the benefits of higher education are many. It not only enables many people to enjoy college life and access to new disciplines, but also helps people find better jobs, earn higher wages and make friends with many people along the way. The last benefit of a university educator is that all the connections that students make with people in their field during their college years are very helpful, because friends in the field can help graduates find good jobs and new opportunities.

Almost always, higher education means that graduates will get higher salaries after graduation. Sometimes higher education can motivate students to stay in the academic world, and In the field of post-secondary research, higher education can help graduates find better and more interesting jobs. Many job seekers can not only enjoy higher education freely, but also let more job seekers enjoy the freedom of higher education, interest and shape their life style.

They hope that in higher education, people will be exposed to many different disciplines and research fields, These subjects and fields are not available in secondary schools. This kind of contact helps students figure out what they really want to do to make a living.




Nowadays, as more and more students choose to study abroad, some people think that the overseas degree is not as valuable as it used to be. More importantly, it is reported that when these students come back to find a job, their salary is not so high, but the overseas degree can't be rejected by the salary level of overseas students. They must learn to be independent, because their parents are not around them, so they need to It is a great challenge for them to overcome loneliness and learn to be part of a group.

Because they are in a multicultural environment, most of them have adapted to the unfamiliar environment. This means that they can cooperate with others independently. Their knowledge is advanced.

Foreign education is the world's leading. Schools tend to cultivate students' critical thinking Wei, no matter what kind of work they are engaged in, they can stimulate their creativity. The company always hopes that innovative employees can not measure the value of overseas degrees in terms of money.

If the students are excellent, they will be promoted soon.




From the chart, we can see that China's higher education is developing rapidly. When the people's Republic of China was founded, there were only about 10000 college students. Under the influence of various factors, the development of China's higher education is firstly the rapid development of China's economy, especially in the past 20 years of reform and opening up, which has laid a good foundation.

Secondly, the Chinese government has been making efforts to encourage the development of higher education One of the measures taken is to increase the enrollment of colleges and universities from the third. Most people have begun to realize the importance of higher education..




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