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关于”被嘲笑“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Be laughed at。以下是关于被嘲笑的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be laughed at

After about ten days in Italy, depression and loneliness have been following me. One night, after a happy day at school, I was walking through the villa Borges, and the sun was shining golden on St. Peter's Cathedral, and I was satisfied with the romantic scene, even if I was alone, when other people in the park were either touching their loved ones or playing with a laughing child, I stopped and leaned against the railing to watch the sunset, I thought Too much, and then my thoughts turned to contemplation, when they caught up with me, they came to me in silence and menace like Pinkerton detectives, they were on my left, alone on my right, they didn't need to show me their badges, and I know these guys well, we've been playing for years, although I admit I'm surprised at this elegant evening I met them in the Italian garden, which is not where they belong, and I said to them, "how could you find me here and tell you that I came to Rome?" Depression, always smart people, says, "you're not happy to see us"; "go away," I told him, lonely, a more sensitive policeman, saying, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I may have to follow you all the time you travel, which is my task"; I really hope you don't, "I told him, shrugging almost apologetically, but only came closer one o'clock.


在意大利呆了大约十天之后,沮丧和孤独一直在追踪着我。一天晚上,在学校度过了快乐的一天之后,我正在穿过博尔盖斯别墅,太阳在圣彼得大教堂上落下金色的光芒,我对这浪漫的场景感到满足,即使我一个人,当公园里的其他人不是在抚摸爱人,就是在和一个笑着的孩子玩耍时,我停下来靠在栏杆上看日落,我想得太多了,然后我的想法就变成了沉思,这时他们追上了我,他们像平克顿侦探一样沉默而充满威胁地来找我,他们在我的左边,孤独在我的右边,他们不需要给我看他们的徽章我很了解这些家伙我们已经玩了很多年了虽然我承认我很惊讶在黄昏的时候在这个优雅的意大利花园里遇见他们这不是他们属于的地方我对他们说,“你怎么会在这里找到我告诉你我来罗马的?”抑郁症,总是聪明的人,说,“你不高兴看到我们”;“走开,”我告诉他,孤独,一个更敏感的警察,说,“对不起,女士,但我可能不得不在你旅行的整个时间里跟踪你,这是我的任务”; 我真的希望你不要,”我告诉他,他几乎抱歉地耸了耸肩,但只走近了一点。




然后他们搜身,掏空我口袋里所有的快乐,沮丧甚至没收了我的身份,但他总是这样做,然后孤独开始拷问我,我害怕,因为这总是持续几个小时他很有礼貌,但无情,他总是把我绊倒,最后他问我是否有任何理由感到高兴,他问我为什么今晚我一个人呆着,他又问(尽管我们已经问了几百次了)为什么我不能维持一段感情,为什么我毁了我的婚姻,为什么我把大卫的事情搞砸了,为什么我把事情搞砸了和我交往过的每一个男人,他都会问我xx岁那天晚上我在哪里,为什么从那以后事情变得如此糟糕,他问我为什么不能像我这个年龄的受人尊敬的女人那样,住在一个漂亮的房子里,养育好孩子。他问我为什么,确切地说,我认为我应该去罗马度假当我把自己的生活搞得一团糟时,他问我为什么我觉得像个大学生一样逃到意大利会让我很高兴他问我,如果我继续这样生活,我觉得我的晚年会在哪里结束 我走回家,希望甩掉他们,但他们一直跟着我,这两个暴徒抑郁的手放在我的肩膀上,孤独地用他的审问对我喋喋不休。我甚至懒得吃晚饭。

我不想让他们看着我。我也不想让他们上楼梯去我的公寓,但我知道抑郁症,他有一个比利俱乐部,所以如果他决定的话,他就不能阻止他进来他想 你来这里不公平, 对他身上的被子,全套的衣服,鞋子,还有他今晚要让我和他睡觉的一切,我只知道吃,祈祷,爱。


Cultural heritage is a very important resource. It is an important way to understand ancient civilization and an important resource to study human civilization. Cultural heritage is an important indicator of national development and an important reference for the study of other animals and plants that distinguish ethnic or regional differences.

Remains and other heritages have a better understanding of the history of human body structure and better understand their understanding of natural heritage, So that we can realize the difference between the present and the ancient times, realize that they have caused great damage to the environment on this planet, and call on people to protect the earth. Of course, there are ancient buildings there. All of these let us have insight into the incomparable wisdom of our ancestors and achieve success in life.

In short, cultural heritage has an indelible impact on the development of mankind, and we should protect it To actively repair the damaged heritage of human civilization and contribute to development.




标签: 英文 五年级 作文 真题 年级

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