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关于”写一篇兽医“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write a veterinary article。以下是关于写一篇兽医的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a veterinary article

Veterinarians can cure the disease of animals. Compared with angels, it's insignificant, but I don't want to see the little creatures trampled on by diseases. It's not because of other things that I let them go.

I just think it's not easy for them to come to this world, and they don't have a chance to get lucky in the world. Let's go. I hope I can grow up without treatment if I'm a great man If I am a respected and respected veterinarian, I have developed a magic potion, only birds can use it, so that their H5N1 subtype virus can be automatically eliminated If I am a veterinarian who can understand animal language, I will use their language to chat with them, listen carefully to their joys and sorrows.

Pessimistically, they will go to the bright road. If I grow up with my apprentice, I will tell him my experience and let him do better than me. If my healing ability is limited, I will say that I want to explore and develop globally Now, if my dream comes true, human beings don't need to worry about animal diseases.

I will work hard. This dream will come true one day. Cheer for me.




2:写一篇兽医文章,We had a good time last weekend. Do you want to know what we did at

7 p.m. last Saturday night? Let me tell you, I was surfing the Internet, and my sister was singing and dancing in her room.

She put her CD too big for me to stand, "can you turn down your CD player?" I answered my sister's question in a friendly voice. I was almost finished playing computer games. My mother called me "don't play computer games for a long time." my mother was washing dishes in the kitchen, while my father was reading newspapers in the living room.

But it was still early, and I said angrily, "well, how about a walk in the park?" "OK." so we went out for a walk and came back. It was already o'clock. After taking a bath, we went to bed.




3:写一篇兽医,Life doesn't always bring us the happiness we want, we don't always get our hopes and dreams, we don't always go our own way, but don't give up hope, because you can change an environment, one person to find the beauty around you, in nature, in others, in yourself, believe in the love of friends and family You can find love in a smile, a helping hand, a thoughtful gesture or a friendly word. If you look for it, you will find the power in life, along with happiness, happiness, patience, understanding to believe in the goodness of others. Remember that anger and depression can be offset by love and hope, even if you feel that you can't do much to change unhappiness Or problems, you can always do a little bit, a little at a time, and eventually it will make a big difference.




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