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Koppermann GmbH Schubert Strasse K Hamburg German Telefon telefax April Ni Minzhi 3W Co., Ltd., 3b Guihua Road, Shanghai, China, dear Ms. Ni Order No.: Thank you for your order. The order has been completed and is now sent to you today as agreed.

We have forwarded our bill No. DM together with the documents to you. We have drawn on the day after day's sight drawn by the industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Shanghai Caohejing branch.

After acceptance, we will deliver the documents to you, your general manager, H. kopperman.


Koppermann GmbH Schubert strasse K Hamburg German Telefon Telefaxxx月倪敏芝3W有限公司中国上海桂花路3B号,尊敬的倪女士订单号:谢谢您的订单,订单已完成,现按约定于今日发送至贵方。我方已将我方第号DM号票据连同单据一并转发给贵方中国工商银行上海漕河泾分行已开出见票后天付款的汇票,承兑后将把单据交给你方,你方总经理H·科珀曼。


The Haikou Power Station project invested by Hong Kong International Investment Co., Ltd. is highly appraised for its construction speed and quality in the Haikou Power Station project funded or constructed by Hong Kong International Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Xinfadi group owns a joint-stock company.




Dear Mr. / MS, we are very pleased to welcome President William Taylor and manager James Rogers to visit Beijing and Shanghai in late April for about one week. We propose the following itinerary for your consideration.

We will arrive in Beijing on Monday, April 1. Mr. President of Asia Trading Company will meet x at the airport on Tuesday The president held a dinner party for the Great Wall Hotel, held a discussion meeting in the Asian trading company building on the morning of April 20, and held a group discussion in the afternoon on the cocktail party held by the British business consultant in Beijing on Wednesday.

In the morning of April, we will sign a letter of intent at noon, and in the afternoon we will visit the summer palace for Shanghai. Please confirm by fax so that we can make corresponding arrangements according to your requirements.




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