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关于”休闲的短语“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Casual phrases。以下是关于休闲的短语的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Casual phrases

I can't miss the train to Beijing for a business trip at 10 o'clock. I'm sure I'm with my boss again. There's nothing more tense than going on a business trip with our boss.

They've decided to talk at 9:00 tomorrow morning. There's still a few things that haven't been decided before the trip. Don't you think that's a good thing? You're going to leave the office for a few days.

The train hasn't been crowded recently. Last time I was on a business trip with my boss, I couldn't even eat The first thing you have to do is to find a comfortable hotel. You don't know how tight the schedule of this business trip is.

We often have to entertain them. Even though their hometown has not decided, why they are in such a hurry to go to the company, there is time difference. The travel is very cheap.

I like to travel temporarily for a change. I have to visit several important clients. We always discuss business matters and come back very often Boring.

I have to write a detailed report on my business trip. Sometimes it's very tiring for me if you go there at about two or three o'clock in the morning. Every time she comes back from a business trip, she will buy some presents for other people in the office.




The traditional marriage in China usually goes through some necessary procedures, that is, engagement, engagement, wedding, three bows and wedding wine. First of all, we will pray for our bridegroom and bride from heaven and earth, and then we will pray for the bride and bridegroom. Finally, we will get our blessing for our bride and bridegroom from their great parents and all famous friends and relatives.




In a competitive society, people need to relax. There are many recreational activities for people to relax. I like cycling best.

Of all the recreational activities, I like cycling best. On weekends, I can breathe fresh air and have a feeling of returning to nature. You may not believe that the world we live in is different.

At that time, I thought cycling was a good way to keep healthy. Cycling was a good way to make me feel comfortable and healthy. How could I not like it.





标签: 托福 作文 万能 短语

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