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关于”如何节约水“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:How to save water。以下是关于如何节约水的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to save water

First, water saving tips: toys are suitable for children's intimate partners, but some toys (such as water spray guns) need water, which is not recommended. Especially in water shortage areas, they should not be used. There are some naughty young people who carry water and fight with each other under the water, and the water is scattered.

They are very happy and insidious to clean the wet ground. In the past, pedestrians were scared and a lot of water was wasted For the poor tableware at home, the best tableware is to remove the oil with paper, then use hot water, and finally use more warm water or cold water for the second time. Take a bath to save water: adjust the temperature with the shower head, do not boil water from head to foot, and do not open it until you are wet from head to foot.

Do not separate the shampoo from the tap water and wash the upper body Keep in mind that time is the water. Don't take advantage of the opportunity to take a bath. Don't put your clothes and shoes in the bathtub by the way.

Pay a price. Don't use excessive water. Third, water-saving toilet: if you think the toilet tank is too large, you should pay a price, A brick can be filled with water or a large drink bottle to reduce the amount of water to be flushed each time.

Attention should be paid to the damage of brick or drinking water bottle to the water tank. The water leaking from the local movable water tank is always filled with water, and the rubber sealing is not strict, which is slower than that of water filling. After filling, the rubber sealing from the overflow outlet is not tight, and the water inlet pipe is not stopped to collect and flush the domestic sewage to flush the toilet No matter the size and thickness of garbage, the garbage passage should be cleared, instead of flushing water out of the toilet.




How to save water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things. We can't do without water.

But how can we save water? There are several ways to save water. First of all, we need to save water. In the case that we don't need to save water, shorten the shower time.

Don't let the tap be on. The most important way to save water is to recycle Water. We should not pollute the water so that we can have fresh water year after year.

If we don't save water, the last drop of water will be a tear. Protecting water is to protect our lives. Some people think that there is a lot of water on the earth.

We only have a little water now. If we don't save, we will run out one day. So what should we do? When we finish washing clothes, we can use this water to clean the floor.

Second, if we see a dripping tap, we should repair it as soon as possible. We can use shower instead of bathing, because Bathing will waste a lot of water. Through these methods, we can not only save a lot of water, but also save ourselves.






With the process of industrialization, the amount of fresh water on our earth is gradually decreasing. Water is very important to the survival of living things, including plants and human beings. Without water, life on the earth will disappear.

Therefore, human beings should cherish fresh water. We should try our best to save water. For example, when washing dishes by hand, do not let the water wash with boiling water.

Take a short shower. Always check whether the tap is leaking.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 真题

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