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关于”去过的地方“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Where I've been。以下是关于去过的地方的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Where I've been

Xi'an is my favorite, although it is not my hometown. When I was 13 years old, I went to Xi'an, which left a very good impression on me. Even now I still vaguely remember that Xi'an is a classical city, with 13 emperors establishing the capital.

Here is a special city with a long history than other cities. For example, Beijing has Qin Shihuang. There are many places, such as the mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty and the mausoleum garden of the Tang Dynasty.




The best place I've been to. I've been to a museum of water conservation science and technology. While I was happy, I also learned about some "little secrets" about water.

I also learned about water shortage cities and typical water-saving cities in the world. It's very interesting that I also bought a souvenir, a crystal ball, with several small animals in it. It's very delicate to depict water in it.

I hope it can To go again.




I like to travel around the world through all my travels. I see many magnificent sceneries and sounds, each of which is unforgettable. However, in all the places I have seen, the city of Hong Kong has left the deepest impression on me.

It is a wonderful experience to see a city as close as this, but so different Hong Kong, and its mixture of different nationalities. From different backgrounds, different from my hometown, where the impressive high-rise buildings and the kindness of the local residents are awe inspiring. Compared with any fireworks display I've ever seen, my time there shows that, as citizens of the earth, we can really come together, live and work together and make great achievements.




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