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关于”经验的作用“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The role of experience。以下是关于经验的作用的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The role of experience

Everyone needs friends. No one can live better without friends. Friends can share your happiness, sadness and secrets.

When you are in trouble, your best friend will encourage and help you. There is a saying "share weal and woe". Fortunately, I have a best friend.

Her name is Susan. She is very smart and helpful. She has good grades.

She is the highest level in our class, Her favorite sport is basketball, and she is good at basketball. Susan is a very sensible girl, but sometimes she is too sensitive. We shared a lot of laughter and depression together.

Susan and I have been friends for four months. I know our friendship will be endless and forever.




Smile is a kind of attitude towards life. Rich people, high status, no fate. A millionaire may one day, but a poor worry may be in a mood: a disabled person can be calm, a situation may be good, a person who may encounter adversity smile life is always a mirror.

According to our image, when we cry and cry, when we live in life, it is tiny Smile, smile, there is no purpose, no matter to the boss, or the guard, that smile is the same, smile is respect for others, is also respect for life, smile is the best card, who does not want to make friends with optimistic people, a smile can give themselves a self-confidence, can also give a better inspire self-confidence and potential smile is the best friend's words Words, a natural smile, worth thousands of words, whether it is the first acquaintance or have known each other for a long time, smile can shorten the distance between people, feel and warm.




My examination experience in my opinion, examination is an important activity in school life. I have experienced a variety of examinations since primary school, and I have tasted the taste of happiness and sadness. Before the examination, I am always very difficult and don't know how to avoid the exam.

Sometimes I feel nervous. After the exam, my mind becomes blank. The world seems to be brightening up again.

I'm full of energy. We often complain that our teachers deliberately make trouble for us, but it is not the case. In fact, exams are just a way to help us learn words well.





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