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关于”给我的妈妈礼物“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:A present for my mother。以下是关于给我的妈妈礼物的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A present for my mother

When I was young, my father always taught me how to be a real man. He told me that no matter what happened, you must be tolerant in your life, which is still the most precious gift he gave me. I think to be tolerant, I need to keep calm when I face great difficulties, no matter how difficult it is to overcome them, I need to resist The temptations of the outside world, even if tolerance is so attractive, I need to pull myself out in times of extreme sadness and joy, no matter how they affect me.




I'm excited, because I'm going to my friend's birthday party soon, but one thing I'm confused about is a gift for my dear friend. Maybe he / she would rather give something of value to him / her rather than his / her wish. I want to think about it for a long time.

Oh, yes, does he / she like swimming? I'm going to buy a good quality swimming pool. He / she must be much sexier in this underwear. Oh, come on, let it attack our eyes.

Although he / she has a strong and sexy body, it's a good idea, just do it. Happy birthday.




When I was young, he told me that no matter what, when I was young, he always asked me to be tolerant and tolerant, which was the most important point in my life. When he told me that when I needed tolerance most, he always asked me to be tolerant. I had to resist all kinds of temptations from the outside world.

Even if tolerance was so attractive, I would have to be extremely sad and happy Wait to pull yourself out, no matter how they affect me.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题 妈妈

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