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关于”景观设计“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Landscape design。以下是关于景观设计的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Landscape design

Landscape refers to the complex of land and space and objects in the land. It is a brand of complex natural process and human activities on the earth. The elements of landscape design include natural landscape elements and artificial landscape elements.

Natural landscape elements mainly refer to natural landscapes, such as hills, hills, ancient trees, stones, rivers, lakes, oceans and so on. The main elements of artificial landscapes are cultural relics, cultural relics, landscaping, art sketches, trade fairs, buildings, squares and other landscape elements to create high-quality cities Urban space environment provides a lot of materials, but to form a unique urban landscape, we must systematically organize various landscape elements to form a complete and harmonious landscape system and orderly spatial form.




In addition to the beautiful buildings and scenic spots, it also provides people with good tourism facilities. Some people may like natural scenery, but I think artificial landscape is more interesting than natural landscape because it is carefully designed and planned according to the situation around the site. I like artificial landscape.




I like to do morning exercises. Usually I go for running or gymnastics. This morning I tried to ride a bike.

It felt much faster than running. I could walk farther. I love it, and I think I'll be down the Thames at about six in the morning, everything is so quiet, the only thing I can hear is the joy from my heart and because of my work, I've stopped for a long time, but I'll continue to do it, after an hour of exercise, I'm very helpful, I'm fresh and energetic, and it feels like everything is under control all day.




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