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关于”你最爱的电影“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Your favorite movie。以下是关于你最爱的电影的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Your favorite movie

My favorite movie (Twilight city) I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is twilight city. This is a beautiful love story between vampires and human beings.

The protagonist is Edward and Bella. They can't help but love each other. Edward is a blood sucking ghost who has lived for hundreds of years.

Bella is just an ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella realizes that Edward is one When she was a vampire, she still chose to love him under all kinds of pressure.

Edward also chose to protect Bella at all costs. This is the beginning of their love. I like this movie very much.

I watched it four times. I think the movie stars are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive, exciting, and the scenery is beautiful.

In short, I like it as soon as I see it.




My favorite movie is Titanic. This is a love story about Jack and rose. They met on the Titanic.

They fell in love the first time they met. On April night, the Titanic had an accident on its way to America. Jack and rose and many other people fell into the sea.

They were very afraid because they were afraid that they would eventually lose each other. Rose was saved. But Jack dideros was very sad and loved the film very much.





During the summer vacation, I watched a good-looking CD called "chicken running" and "chicken running" tells a story: there are a group of chickens in a chicken farm. They don't want to stay in the farm. They spend a lot of methods there and want to escape.

As a result, one day, a rooster flies down from the sky, and the chicken farm cheers. Someone can teach them to fly. They have trained for many days, but also In order to train, they did not know until one day that it was not a rooster flying by themselves.

It was a cannon shell. They were disappointed again. Suddenly, a chicken husband thought of him.

At that time, a chicken asked him what kind of plane he was flying, and he told him in detail. They understood that it was a flying machine. The chicken finally flew out of the farm and only remained Shocked chicken farmers, this story tells us that as long as you work hard and don't lose heart, things will always succeed.




标签: 专八 英文 作文 真题 电影

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