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关于”最近常考“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Recent frequent exams。以下是关于最近常考的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recent frequent exams

I went to the nursing home last Sunday. I had a good time with the old people there that morning. I got up and had a breakfast.

Then I went to the nursing home with my classmates. After we said hello to our grandparents, we started cleaning, washing clothes and so on. In addition, we also performed the programs we had prepared.

The old people were very happy. We were proud of what we had done after we went home: we should strive to cultivate the revolutionary style of young people who are willing to help others and let them realize the happiness of helping others.




Last Sunday, we went to visit the old people who had set out early in the morning and brought them a lot of heating. We gave them a lot of books and fruit. We talked to them happily and told them many interesting stories.

We help them wash their clothes and clean their rooms. We teach them how to use computers. When we have a computer, we are very happy to say goodbye to them.

They really don't want us to go. They thank us very much. We are really moved by them.

Although we do very little, it means a lot to the elderly. So next time, if we have an opportunity, we will come again.





London is the champion of the 10th International Olympic Games. In view of London's success, three points are well known and can't be ignored. When you step into the city, you will find yourself deeply attracted by the beautiful surrounding environment.

There are many standard Olympic venues, such as swimming pool, football field, basketball stadium, etc. in addition, London once successfully held an Olympic Games a few years ago. With this valuable experience, London will certainly hold it A more wonderful Olympic Games, in general, the Olympic Games is not just a simple sport, but in London, another name for sports spirit is that exercise has become a hobby in the hearts of every child.

Therefore, London has finally become the host of the Olympic Games.




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