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关于”如何做一个环保的人“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to be an environmentally friendly person。以下是关于如何做一个环保的人的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to be an environmentally friendly person

Earth Hour began in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning off their lights for an hour. Now it has developed into one of the world's largest climate change initiatives. People are working together globally to show that the possibility of action on global warming Earth Hour has brought us some new changes.

Here are the iconic bird's Nest National Stadium and nearby The Water Cube National Aquatics Center is usually illuminated by floodlights, but at night, when dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also turn off some lights, people attend events such as candlelight dinners and star watching parties in response to appeals for darkness. However, some critics think that this is just a gimmick, which is no different from my view. Earth hour is a global call to action for everyone, every enterprise and every community.

Standing up, taking responsibility and participating in the work of earth hour in a sustainable future is a message of hope and action. Everyone can make No Same as 0|.




I want to be a model student. What should I do? I should be polite. I should study hard.

I should have the ability and help. I should walk in the corridor. I should throw the garbage into the dustbin.

I should be quiet in the library. I shouldn't walk and run on the grass. I shouldn't throw garbage on the floor.

I shouldn't run in the corridor. I shouldn't fight in the library.




Good manners are necessary, for a man's manners are judged by his manners. Politeness not only shows what kind of education he has received and what his social status is, but also tends to show his nature. Good manners mean good behavior in social interaction.

Polite people are always pleasant partners. Because he always thinks for others and respects others, he will not push and push in the crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to develop politeness Not particularly great behavior, but they can tell us that the person who has these behaviors is the highest standard of learning politeness. A person should first remember that they come from a person's daily behavior, the way he reacts to others, and his behavior in front of people.

He must sincerely be polite to others and respect others. In short, politeness does not cost anything What you get is everything.




标签: 高一 作文 满分 环保

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