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关于”适合生的赏析“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Appreciation suitable for students。以下是关于适合生的赏析的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Appreciation suitable for students

The hare and the tortoise the hare used to boast about his speed in front of other animals. "I've never been defeated," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me." the tortoise said calmly, "I'll race with you." "that's a good joke," the rabbit said, "I can dance all the way around you." at the beginning of the race, the rabbit almost flew out of his sight, and he stopped quickly Come down and lie on the ground and doze off. When the rabbit wakes up from his sleep, he sees that the tortoise is close to the finish line and he has lost the race.




Everything is a beautiful grain of Sand William Blake / to see a world in a grain of sand, to see a heaven in a wilderness, to hold infinity in your hand, to eternity in an hour I love your life Henry David Thoreau / no matter how mean your life is, face it, live it, don't run away from it, don't call it a bad name. It's not like it You're so bad now. When you are the richest, it looks like the poorest.

Love your life, poor as it may be, you may have some pleasant, exciting, glorious hours, even in the poorhouse, where the setting sun shines as brightly from the windows of the workhouse as from the windows of the rich. In the early spring, the snow melts in front of the door. I can't see it, but a quiet person may live there as contentedly and happily as in a palace.

In my opinion, the poor people in the town tend to live the most independent lives. In any case, they are great and can be accepted without hesitation. Most people think that they are above the support of the town, but they often feed themselves dishonestly, which should be more disgraceful.

Cultivate poverty like the herbs in the garden, like saints, do not worry about getting new things, whether clothes or friends, get old and come back to them. Things don't change. Let's change clothes and keep your mind.







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