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关于”给同学的毕业“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Graduation for students。以下是关于给同学的毕业的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Graduation for students

In the three years of school, we are very lucky to spend good memories with you. Although our three years in school are very good, we still hope to spend a good time with you. There were days when we were angry with each other, but I always believe that when we say goodbye, friendship will not end.

I sincerely hope that all your expectations will come true, all your dreams will come true, all your wishes will come true, all your efforts will help you climb the ladder of success, dew to embrace a bright new day, you should say to yourself that this is happiness, when the stars shine around the dream, please don't forget me.




I will never forget the common experience of you and us in the classroom or school playground. Although we may go to different schools and have different teachers and classmates, I believe our friendship will not fade because of our separation. Everyone must have his own life.

There are no friends who can stay together forever. Only those who can keep time are the most precious things belonging to all of us Your friendship, we don't need to be sad, because we know that we will live a good life in a strange new place. Maybe when you make some excellent achievements, I really believe that I will be the first to be told, and I will be the first to give you the best wishes.




Time flies, time goes by, only our friendship will never leave in my heart. Take care of my friend. Time does not dilute the wine of friendship, and distance does not separate our eager hands.

I wish you happiness forever and never be disappointed. On the journey of life, there are friends who seize your opportunities, cherish your opportunities, and wish our friendship will last forever.




标签: 专升本 英文 作文 万能 同学

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