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关于”世界慈善日“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:World Charity Day。以下是关于世界慈善日的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:World Charity Day

Many people believe that the world's supply of fresh water will never run out. They believe that fresh water comes from various sources and is always enough. This view leads to shocking waste.

In fact, there is a lack of fresh water on the earth. With the rapid growth of the world population, the demand for water by industry is increasing, and the environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious. The world is facing a severe situation of depletion of fresh water resources.

In some big cities, fresh water can no longer meet the needs of people's daily life. Therefore, it is imperative to find new ways to save water Second, scientists must work harder to purify seawater and find alternatives to reduce the use of fresh water.




Now, most people lack sleep because some of them like to go out at night and stay up late, or some of them are asked to work overtime. Most people are in sub-health state. March 1 is world sleep day.

Getting enough sleep can ensure efficiency and health, which reminds people to have enough sleep. A healthy lifestyle is the only way to help us live a better life. No matter how much money we earn, we need to have a regular schedule and do some exercise.

If we are not in good health, we can't enjoy a good life.




World Asthma Day is the first Saturday in May. It is a day to call on the public and patients to pay attention to asthma and master more information about asthma, so as to better prevent asthma. In some areas, the pollution problem has become serious, and nature punishes people for bringing bad weather, such as haze, which seriously endangers people's health.

Many children have difficulty breathing and they are easy to give birth If people know more about the disease, they can take good care of children and take some actions to prevent infection. The key to prevent this disease is to protect the environment. At the same time, we can also need to exercise regularly.




标签: 考研 英文 作文 世界 满分

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