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关于”令人讨厌的人“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:An annoying person。以下是关于令人讨厌的人的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An annoying person

I hate the way you talk to me, the way you cut your hair at first, the way you drive my car, I hate your stupid combat boots when you stare at me, the way you read my heart, I hate you so much, it makes me sick, even rhymes, I hate it, I hate you always right, I hate when you lie, I hate when you make me laugh What's worse is that when you make me cry, I hate that you're not around me and you don't call, but what I hate most is that I don't hate you, or even close, or even hate at all.




I hate to call someone. We don't know what his name is, but we all call him sb. It's a good fuckin 'habit.

We're happy to call him a piece of shit, shit, he's a piece of shit. I can't find any strong words to describe him. Damn it, I want to know if there's a stronger word than the fuckin 'word.

Oh, no, it insults a bitch. What a disgusting bitch he is. He's the dumbest asshole I've ever seen in my life.

He's damned. He really proves he's a goddamn evil Ugly, stupid, son of a bitch.




There are four seasons in a year. I like summer best, but what I hate most is winter. I have to wear a lot of clothes.

It makes me move slowly. I want to play with my friends. But with so many clothes, I feel uncomfortable and I can't sleep well.

I feel cold. I hope spring will come soon.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 真题

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