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关于”武器的缺点“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Shortcomings of weapons。以下是关于武器的缺点的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Shortcomings of weapons

The impact of nuclear weapons nuclear explosion is one of the most destructive weapons of mass destruction. To make this clear, one needs only recall the picture of Hiroshima or the international disturbance caused by the accidental but huge radiation release of Chernobyl nuclear power station. The pollution of Chernobyl nuclear power station is far greater than the expected nuclear explosion of about KT on the ground, but it can be compared with a large-scale nuclear explosion The results of nuclear war are comparable.

In this war, more than ten kinds of weapons with nominal equivalent are exploded at high altitude to maximize the damage caused by explosion. TNT nuclear explosion will produce harsh environment including explosion and thermal pulse. Neutrons, X-rays and gamma rays, radiation, electromagnetic pulse (EMP and ionization of upper atmosphere depend on the environment of nuclear device detonation, explosion effect) For example, ground impact, water impact, void, crater, a lot of dust and radioactive fallout will bring problems to the survival of friendly forces system, and may lead to the destruction or failure of enemy assets.

The electromagnetic pulse generated by the explosion of a single nuclear weapon at high altitude will pose a threat to the military system thousands of miles away. This threat may be used by the third world countries. It can carry a rocket carrying a high-yield device (about one million tons or more) into the upper atmosphere hundreds of kilometers away, and thousands of kilometers away from the atmosphere to its own territory (to avoid destroying its own system) Unification.




Manpower Inc with workers is the largest temporary employment agency in the world. Its employees go into the offices and factories in the United States every morning to find a job for a day's salary. Industrial giants like General Motors and IBM are struggling to reduce the number of employees in order to survive.

The Milwaukee, Wisconsin based human resources company is booming. Its economy continues to recover. The United States is increasingly becoming a country of part-time and temporary workers.

This "labor force" is the most important in today's American business, and it is changing people and workers As a loyal employee, the benefits and significance of this point come from [a] swarm [b] big stride [C] split [D] slip [D] the benefits and significance of this phenomenon provide enterprises with a way to maintain global competitiveness, avoid the increasingly heavy burden of market cycles and employment rules, medical expenses and workers' pension plans, which means the end of security [a] because [C] starts [b] from [b] to [C] to [D] starts from [a], even [b] now only [C] has [C] provided [a] durable [b] disposable [C] available [D] transferable [a] method [B] flow [C] fashion [D] trend [a] reverse immediately [C] basically [D] sufficient [a] but [b] both [C] and [D] and [a] imposed [b] restricted [C] indicates [D] restricted [D] restricted [C] indicates [D] Limited [C] restricted [D] Limited [D] restricted [C] indicates [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] is [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D] restricted [D a) excited [b] letter The importance of passion: a c c d a B D C B a D.


: ① ② ③:, ④:, ⑤:and,or ⑥ ⑦, Manpower Inc with workers,是世界上最大的临时职业介绍所,其员工每天早上都会走进美国的办公室和工厂,为了一天的薪水找一天的工作。像通用汽车和IBM这样的工业巨头为了生存而挣扎着减少员工数量,总部位于威斯康星州密尔沃基的人力资源公司正在蓬勃发展,其经济继续复苏,美国正日益成为一个由兼职和临时工组成的国家,这种“劳动力”在当今美国商业中是最重要的,它正在改变人们与工作之间的关系这一现象为企业提供了保持全球竞争力的途径,避免了市场周期和就业带来的日益沉重的负担规则,医疗费用和工人的养老金计划这意味着安全的终结,作为一个忠诚的员工,这一点的好处和意义来自于 [a]swarm[B]大步[C]分开[D]slip [a]因为[C]从[B]到[C]到[D]由 [a]开始,即使[B]现在只有[C]提供了 [a]耐用[B]一次性[C]可用[D]可转让的 [a]方法[B]流动【C】时尚【D】趋势 【A】立即反向【C】基本上【D】充分 【A】但【B】同时【C】和【D】而 【A】强加【B】受限【C】说明了【D】受限的 【A】兴奋【B】信念【C】热情【D】重要性 :A C C D A B D C B A D。


When things are urgent for me, I get impatient and make a mess of myself. Impatience is my weakness. I know it's bad for me, but I can't control myself now.

I've learned to do things slowly. I can't lose control no matter how bad things are. I believe I can overcome my weakness and be a better person.




标签: 四级 英文 作文 万能 缺点

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