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关于”生病的怎么说“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:What do you say when you're sick。以下是关于生病的怎么说的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do you say when you're sick

Others / others + / another: there are two boys in the room, one is years old, the other is (boys) there are three boys in the room, one is years old, the other is, the third is others / other + / other: there are boys in the room who are five years old and others (others) how old. There are many boys in the room. Some of them are good at maths.

The others (other boys) are good at English. Others, nothing else, anything else. Others, no one else, no one else, anyone else els: Yeah? Anything else? Thank you.

I don't want anything. Is there anyone else who doesn't? What else do you want to buy.




2:,Inflatable bread, bread, crumbs, crumbs, crumbs, crumbs, loaf soil, crumbs, light bread Breadmolass raisin bread no time bread bottom bread flat bottom bread with bread pump skin bread quick bread raisin bread and top bread bread bread sandwich bread, boat bread, pilot bread, short bread, leisure bread, weight loss bread, wet bread, bread, starch reduced bread, bread, bread, bread, Tomato Bread, bread, whole wheat flour Package dyed bread (fermented) bread.


充气面包,面包,面包屑,面包屑,面包屑,面包屑面包土面包屑面包屑轻面包Alt(ed)breadmilk Breadmolass葡萄干面包无时间面包底面包平底面包平底面包夹面包泵皮面包快速面包葡萄干面包和顶级面包烘烤面包三明治面包,船用面包领航面包短面包,休闲面包,减肥面包,湿面包防面包,淀粉减少的面包,面包,面包,面包,面包,番茄面包,面包,全麦面包染色面包(发酵)面包。


3:生病的怎么说,Guide, guide, guide, guide, guide, guide, guide, guide, I am your guide and interpreter. I know a Taoist expert. Our guide Mr.

Liu said after a sip of coke that a kind guide asked us to stand in Dickinson's bedroom for five minutes. I'm glad I'm here for LEO: let me introduce myself. I'm your guide Mr.





标签: 专升本 英文 作文 满分

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