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关于”一个人一生“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A person's life。以下是关于一个人一生的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A person's life

One of the most unpleasant tasks we have after my father's death is to deal with his affairs. I never liked the task, so I chose to run errands so that I didn't have to be there, and most things were split and boxed when I came back from my job, my brother said, "Christie, my mother said I'd give you this, and she said you'd know what it means like me. I looked down at his outstretched hand, and I knew that my letter was in my brother The influence in my hands is the photo I gave my father that day.

My father has no feelings. He never let his emotions prevail. My father, he almost never shows his love for me.

I left something very important to him and me. I sat down and tears began to flow. I thought it was the tears that had dried up because of the sadness of his death, but when I realized that I had no love for me His meaning, my mother told me that my father has kept the picture and the letter all his life.

I have a box at home. I call him Dad. There are many things in the box that remind me of my father.

I take out the picture from time to time. I remember the promise made by a young man and his bride on their wedding day many years ago. I also remember a father and his daughter The self-evident promise made between.




2:人的一生,Don't disclose any financial details on the phone unless you call you on your own initiative. The most common situation is: someone who pretends to be a local charity calls you, you agree to donate a small amount of money to a "good cause", you don't doubt anything, you give them credit card details on the phone, and the rest, as they say, you take it next time When it comes to credit card statements, there are a lot of unauthorized transactions. You give them credit card numbers on the phone.

Don't ask them to mail you flyers or get their phone numbers, so you can verify who they are talking about. Before donating money, another situation is that someone "from a local bank" calls you and they just want to verify your financial situation again. I don't care what they tell you.

Don't do it, Ask them to leave their name and contact number so that you call them next time, take the phone number of your local bank from the phone book and call the bank (don't use the phone number they gave you, because thieves may just wait at the other end of the bank and ask if someone at the bank is trying to contact you. You may find that they don't know anything about it. In fact, your bank Line has been in most cases.




3:一个人一生,We all come to this world, but why do some of us keep our great achievements known forever? Why are they always remembered even if they leave the world? Why do some people leave the world without any meaningful and valuable life for their generation and all of us, but what kind of life is intentional For "if you cherish the value of your life, you will create something valuable for the world." John Goth said, "the value of life should be judged by his contribution, not by his profession." Einstein said, a communist fighter Lei Feng said, "a man lives to make others' life better". Marx is an outstanding great man. He founded his brilliant and scientific communist theory, which points out the way for the liberation of mankind.

His life is of great significance and his great contribution to mankind. His life value is immeasurable We also know that Lu Xun was a great man. Without his noble spirit of "fierce brows, I am not afraid of being criticized by thousands of people, lowering my head like a willing bull, I serve the children", and his loyal and indomitable spirit for the better future of the Chinese people, his life would not have been so great and great, and those who live in people's hearts forever People who are regarded as the essence of human beings are not the people who have made great contributions to the cause of the people.

Don't people remember those who have made great achievements for mankind recorded in history? Of course, we know that not everyone will become the second Marx or Lu Xun. However, a person with lofty ideals can do solid work, constantly struggle, and will do his best to benefit the people in the shortest time.




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