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关于”能源可回收“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Energy recyclable。以下是关于能源可回收的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Energy recyclable

ea recyclable wastes unrecycling wastes unrecycling wastes and recyclable[ˌri:ˈsaɪkləbl]adjwastes[weɪst][weɪweɪst][weɪweɪweɪweɪvittaj wastes After eating, I took off the melon seed shell bag and threw it into a garbage can. I went home that night and called him "garbage can" [tr æʃࣿࣿࣿū n] a garbage can is used to hold garbage or garbage, and the second garbage can is used to hold plastic, which can be recycled.


ea recyclable wastes unrecycling wastes unrecycling wastes and recyclable[ˌri:ˈsaɪkləbl]adjwastes[weɪst][weɪweɪst][weɪweɪweɪweɪvittaj wastes wastedʒbɪn]吃完后,摘下瓜子壳袋扔进了一个垃圾桶,我当晚回家,从他叫他“垃圾桶”【træʃkæn】【træʃkən】垃圾桶一个垃圾桶是用来装垃圾或垃圾的第二个垃圾桶是用来装塑料的,可以回收利用。


2:可回收能源,An excerpt from an article in Dazhong daily is as follows: the Ministry of Education said on Monday that starting from this spring, a system of recycling textbooks will be set up in rural primary and secondary schools, which means that some textbooks will be given to students free of charge at the beginning of school and returned to students at the end of the semester for other students to use. The idea of recycling textbooks was put forward a few years ago. Now it has become a rule.

If we want it to work, we must first do three things. We must cut off the chain of interests between publishers and educational institutions. The key reason why this system was not adopted before is huge economic benefits.

Second, we must solve the health problem of recycling textbooks Despite the advantages of recycling, some parents and students have been questioning the health problems that textbooks should not exist. Third, we should strengthen supporting measures. The recycling of teaching materials is a complex process, not a simple recycling problem.

For example, some parents refuse to use these textbooks, and students damage books. What should we do.




3:能源可回收,People have planted a large number of small trees on the mountain. When these trees are big enough and high enough, they are cut down by workers and transported to the paper mill in the mountains, where fine paper is made from wood, and then sent to every corner of the country for different purposes. Some people use paper to copy words, others use it to write letters, reports, articles, etc.

when the paper is no longer used, the waste paper is recycled in the recycling plant and then used for environmental protection.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题

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