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关于”与uber有关“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Related to Uber。以下是关于与uber有关的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Related to Uber

Now people travel in many ways, such as walking, cycling, buses, cars and so on. Different means of transportation have different impacts on our life. More and more cars make the air in the city worse and worse.

We should reduce driving and make our city more beautiful. The biggest reason for people to drive is convenience and greatly reduce spending on the road We should try our best to protect our planet and the environment around us.




2:,Each football team has

11 players and

3 substitutes. The team consists of goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and forwards (or forwards). The purpose of the game is to hit the ball into the opponent's goal.

A football match is called a match. Each game is divided into two and a half minutes. The referee and two assistants make sure that no one cheats or breaks the rules.

The goalkeeper is a special skill, while other players can make mistakes. If the goalkeeper makes a mistake, he will usually let the opponent score a ball on top of your head. His hands are connected with his thumb and index fingers There is a small arch between, chest or head from a leg jump, put the ball comfortable in front of the chest, the ball should be placed on the forearm, hands from the upper left or right to hold the ball, always try to put both hands behind the ball, once you grasp the ball, please quickly take the ball to a safe body.




3:与uber有关,Now more and more people care about their health, but how to keep healthy may give different answers to this question. I think first of all, we must do the following: exercise every day is absolutely necessary. Studies have shown that a lot of exercise can make the heart beat faster, and the lungs will work harder, which can strengthen the heart, reduce the chance of heart attack, and help lower blood pressure, which is why more and more people are actively participating in various kinds of exercise and exercise every morning.

Many people get up early and do a lot of exercise. Some practice Taijiquan and fencing. Others jog, walk or dance to music.

In the afternoon, many people are keen on sports. Some people play basketball, volleyball or table tennis. Some people take part in gymnastics or track events through sports and exercise.

People become healthier and stronger. Medical researchers have shown that what people eat affects them Healthy, they advise people to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat, such as beef and pork, because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish. Fat can accumulate in the arteries, blocking blood flow and leading to heart attack or stroke.

It is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking can cause great harm to people's health. Unfortunately, few people follow this advice.

If people follow these three ways to keep healthy, they will greatly improve their health.





标签: 三年级 作文 万能 年级 范文

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