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关于”你最喜欢的书“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Your favorite book。以下是关于你最喜欢的书的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Your favorite book

"My favorite book" my favorite book is Robinson Crusoe, which really benefited me a lot. I saw a man standing on the deck: he gave up the rich and comfortable life, hated the simple life, and started a near death duel. All kinds of adversities and problems overwhelmed Robinson.

On the contrary, God made him stronger and gave up Robinson has more difficulties because he has more challenging storms and tsunamis. Apart from Robinson, the whole ship has no chance to escape. The real survival challenge has just begun to survive.

In order to find a suitable shelter, he runs along the bank all day and finds Robinson under a rock. He has set up a tent in a shelter on the mountain, which is as large as possible and will fight again the next day Several wooden piles hang hammocks. He made all the boxes and boards as cold base materials and piled them into temporary fences.

The work was just a few days. Robinson, who collapsed suddenly, not only transported out the fertilizer, but also packed the ceiling and supported it with the pillars below, so as to avoid the landslide disaster again and never give up. Robinson laid the foundation of his life alone It was not until "Friday, the emergence of this hope" that the queen finally came back, embarked on the ship and returned to his motherland.

Robinson was great and persistent. During his years of study on this desert island, he dared to fight against the harsh environment, worked hard, and managed the labor on the Island in an orderly manner. He trained himself in adversity and made some extraordinary nurses.

This book teaches us that only by persisting in victory can we succeed, Only work can help us out of the predicament. Action is more important than faith. My life will set sail with this book.

I will sail in the sail of life. I will never give up. "“.




2:你最喜欢的书,My favorite book, I like reading fairy tales. They are my favorite, such as Grimm's fairy tales, Andersen's fairy tales and so on. But I like Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales best, such as Shuke and beta.

Sometimes the characters in his fairy tales are funny. I think they are beside me. They are my classmates or friends.

Therefore, these stories are my own stories and his books are also my own Teach me to be a good child.




3:你最喜欢的书,What is good education? I'll talk about it in two parts. First, I can talk to the direct education department. I think I'll talk about family education.

It's very important for your future. When you were a child, your mother told you how to walk, how to be an independent person, how to talk to others, how to share your food, Show others your friendships. Mother is your mirror.

If your parents give you more positive power, it will help your future face your life, marriage, social contact, company, relatives, children, friends. The second one: I can talk about it. With indirect education, I think I want to talk about your school education, which teaches you how to communicate with others and how to be a good learner teacher Will leave a deep impression in your life, a good teacher will bring more, create excellent students, he will tell you how to learn, how to be a good man, how to love, how to love, how to be equal with others, how to fall down and smile, finally, stand up, not only to tell you how to learn high score brain, a student does not know how to live, I think this is A big problem in his life, a good education will give you more strength to know how to be an accomplished person and how to talk to others, including your friends, lovers, wives, husbands, parents, study partners, real estate agents, teachers and college students.






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