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关于”国外留学的的弊端“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of studying abroad。以下是关于国外留学的的弊端的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of studying abroad

There is no doubt that it is a frustrating and sometimes painful experience to go to a country with a language and culture. However, despite the disadvantages of studying abroad, the difficulties far outweigh the advantages. People studying abroad will have the experience that those who stay at home will never have the obvious advantage of studying in a foreign University.

The most obvious advantage of studying in a foreign university is to use different languages in real life Individuals can learn a foreign language in their own country, and there is no better opportunity to improve their second language skills than living in a country where the language is spoken, compared with the language that is often used in academic and daily life. In addition, having used this language during onefafs study, it has obvious advantages in applying for jobs requiring language back home. As a university campus, international students are not the only ones from far away places.

He or she may meet many people from overseas and make friends from all over the world. This is not only exciting at the social level, but will eventually bring important overseas contacts in the future career. Living and studying abroad provides people with a new and different world outlook, and perhaps most importantly, a new and different perspective on their own country.

Once out of the initial impact of the new culture, students gradually begin to have a meaningful understanding of the host society. Inevitably, people will see their own country in a new world. Usually, they are more grateful and sum up lightly.

Although any anxiety about going abroad to study in universities is understandable, it is important to remember that, The benefits of this experience make it very worthwhile.





2:,Nowadays, many people like to study abroad, which is often regarded as a great opportunity. The conservative and negative worries about studying abroad have gradually emerged from our society. People begin to doubt what the problems are.

There are several problems worth discussing. Going abroad may affect a person's life culturally and create a better life in the journey In the future, we can not only learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, but also enrich our life by studying abroad. The same coin has two sides.

Different people have different ideas. Economically, we Chinese will experience cultural shock. We study and live in another country.

Some of our peers may not be able to adapt to the new learning and living environment, which may be related to their life It's wonderful that if a person doesn't adapt to the new culture of another country, it's hard for him to be happy to study in that country. In addition, studying abroad will cost students a lot of living expenses. Some Chinese students are so successful in their studies that they get scholarships in their studies.

However, most of their peers studying abroad do not get scholarships, and they have to live far away from their parents and their motherland to cope with many unexpected difficulties. For example, they need a lot of daily expenses, such as salary, transportation and medical insurance.





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