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关于”写一篇有电灯发明“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Write an article about the invention of electric light。以下是关于写一篇有电灯发明的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about the invention of electric light

It's only a few minutes' drive from my study and shopping center. It's only a few minutes' drive from my study and shopping center. I live in a community where security guards patrol day and night to ensure the safety of the community.

What impresses me most is that the people here are very enthusiastic and helpful. The only thing I have to complain about is that sometimes it's a bit noisy because it's so close to the city center that the neighborhood relationship is so impressive that once you move in, you don't want to move out again.




2:,Once, his mother got a disease, so Edison asked a doctor: your mother got appendicitis, had an operation, must turn around, and then, he quickly came out of the hospital at home, but soon Edison used his brain, and cried out on the cabinet, put a large mirror on the cabinet, therefore, a mirror reflected light to save his mother Moving to say: "you saved your mother, your mother, your life is like this, out of Edison's electricity.".




3:写一篇有电灯发明,Before the invention of electric lamp, candle, kerosene lamp or gas lamp were widely used as lighting tools. Edison's decision to invent the electric lamp was that he read a lot of books about electric lamp, and determined to create a cheap and durable electric lamp. Edison seriously summarized the experience of previous lamp making failures and formulated a detailed test scheme.

After several tests, Edison finally decided to make carbon filament the most famous invention in the century, It is also Edison's most brilliant contribution to mankind.




标签: 四级 翻译 作文 真题

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