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关于”春季运动会“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Spring sports。以下是关于春季运动会的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Spring sports

On October

1, it was national day. I took part in the meter dash. My roommate and I took part in the high jump competition together.

My roommate and I got up at o'clock and had breakfast. Then we gathered on the school playground. I arranged for the sprint, so I changed my shorts, and when I was ready for the race, I lined up at the starting line.

I was very nervous at that time, but when I heard the gunshot, I told myself, "You're OK, you'll win." then I started running around like usual. I didn't know what happened. When I opened my eyes, I fell down.

I was in the hospital. My teacher told me, "you're OK." I asked, "what happened?" the teacher replied, "because other competitors hit you, you fell down":.




2:,Every autumn comes, there will be a sports meeting in my school. I am very impressed by the opening ceremony. Every class will march on the ground to show their characteristics.

This is very interesting. Last year, a group of students appeared in Cosplay dress. They attracted everyone's attention and won the warmest applause.

It is a good activity for every student A good opportunity for students to play their creativity, my class decided to give you a surprise, everyone provided their ideas, I like the atmosphere of the opening ceremony.




3:春季运动会,In the afternoon of November, we held the opening ceremony of the fourth Dongzhou middle school sports festival, and each class had a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many athletes were participating.

Others were just watching them. Some were busy writing articles, saying that the meter race between boys and girls was the most exciting race. The relay race was also exciting.

Everyone cheered for the best competition they had done when they scored in their own class. Everyone was excited to jump The sports meeting didn't end until

4 p.m. We were tired, but we were so happy.




标签: 英文 九年级 作文 年级 满分

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