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关于”预约“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:make an appointment。以下是关于预约的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:make an appointment

Email subject: application for appointment Dear Sir Smith: Yes, I plan to travel to the United States at the end of this month. I will arrive in Washington in August or around and stay there for about a week. I would appreciate it if you could arrange to meet on August 1st or at a time convenient to you.

Could you suggest another date in your reply? Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I look forward to seeing you in Washington soon, Li Lei Guangzhou Trading Company.




Nowadays, obesity has become a common problem, especially in the city, the diseases caused by obesity have long troubled people. Therefore, how to fight against obesity, many weight loss products or machines have been launched, but as far as I know, most products or weight-loss machines will bring some side effects to our body. Therefore, to lose weight, the most important point is to find out the main cause of obesity and take step-by-step action on the basis of meeting the needs of the body.

There are several reasons for my view on obesity. One is overeating. The other is lack of exercise.

In particular, excessive intake of sugar and fat every day is more likely to lead to obesity. Therefore, in order to lose weight, we need to control ourselves from eating too much, especially sugar and fat. Another reason is the irregular work and rest in modern society.

It is common to have too much sleep or too long working hours. This kind of irregular work and rest has a great impact on our health, and one of its effects may be good. To have a healthy body, we need to work and rest regularly.

Finally, diseases can also explain the causes of obesity. There are many factors leading to obesity. We need to find out the main factors among them and take actions to combat it.

By the way, we should realize that fighting obesity requires a lot of time, patience and perseverance.






Dear Mr. / MS, our personnel supervisor, Mr. Jack Baron, has asked me to confirm your application for the accounting position.

Please come to see him at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, July 5. I would like to thank you very much for telling me whether you can attend your meeting faithfully.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 真题

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