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关于”穿越古代的中国“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Through ancient China。以下是关于穿越古代的中国的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Through ancient China

Sima Qian, emperor of the Han Dynasty, reestablished the importance of learning and encouraged the creation of new works. Therefore, by the first emperor burning books, ancient works began to reappear. Sima Qian undertook the task of writing a complete Chinese history.

He was involved in an incident that almost cost him. He dared to criticize the emperor all his life, and the judge sentenced him to death. This sentence was demoted to castration.

He was determined to continue his great work. At the end of his life, Sima Qian wrote the chapters of his book historical records, which recorded the history of the first three dynasties in China.





2:中国古代,It is said that when Pangu separated heaven and earth, no one was there. Nu Wa made people out of yellow mud. From then on, people began to live and work in peace and contentment on the earth.

One year, four pillars supporting the sky collapsed suddenly, and the earth split into a big fire. The turbulent flood submerged all the land. Animals preyed on human beings, so Nu Wa melted five colored stones and used them to repair the cracks in the sky to replace the broken pillars.

She cut off the four legs of a big tortoise and used them to support the waterfall. The sky was repaired, its four corners were opened, the flood was tamed, the harmful animals were killed, and the innocent people were able to resume their happy life. Legend has it that three gods have become the poor of three old people.

Fox, monkey and rabbit have food for food. Fox and monkey all have food to help. Only rabbit is at a loss.

So the rabbit says, "you eat my meat." put it into the fire and cook him. The fairy touched the rabbit, put the rabbit into the Moon Palace, moon company E, and smashed the medicine every time. Yan has a little daughter, Her name is baby girl.

He likes his little daughter very much. Yan often plays with the girls, but terrible things happen. The girls play in the sea.

Unfortunately, there is still water. Then she becomes a bird, named Jingwei. One sad day, jade bird looks at it, and finally decides to let this Jingwei fill the sea, so that he no longer claims more life.




3:穿越古代的中国,As we all know, paper is one of the four great inventions in ancient China. It was invented by Cai Lun after doing a lot of experiments in the Western Han Dynasty. Cai Lun made paper with bark, rope and rags, which is a great contribution to today's world.

Paper is very useful in our work. We can use it to write, draw, print books and so on in our study and daily life. The invention of paper makes our life more colorful.




标签: 中国 小学 高分 作文

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