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关于”介绍学校的建设情况“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Introduce the construction of the school。以下是关于介绍学校的建设情况的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the construction of the school

All day in my school, in my school, I get up in AMI, I want to go to my school, open my class door, go to the ground to do exercises, start my courses, history, geography, mathematics, English, Chinese, Spanish, physical education and so on. Finally, I go home to have dinner, wash dishes, walk on the road, finish housework and sleep. This is the whole day of my school.




2:,My school my school is a beautiful campus, you do not believe that I take you to visit my school, you see, walk into the door, two rows stand proud to welcome our arrival, it is like a soldier standing guard, guarding our campus, behind is a beautiful flower, blooming colorful, very good, very diligent bee in the above step honey and a beautiful butterfly Dancing in the air, a good bed is in the back of the teaching building. We can see that the desks and chairs in the classroom are neatly arranged, but they are our indispensable and loyal partners. Every student sits there to concentrate on class, falls down and talks with each other.

There is always a basketball court on the right side of a teaching building that wants to learn, and a large playground on the left side of the teaching building Every Monday, there are many students playing ball. All the students go to the left side of the playground to raise the national flag. There is a green lawn where you can play and play football.

Around the lawn is a graceful poplar tree. They stand there conscientiously, as if to protect the pillars of the country. Looking at the wall outside, the wall is covered with ivy.

In autumn, Ivy leaves slowly turned red, very good-looking, this is my school, I love my school.




3:介绍学校的建设情况,Hello, friends welcome to our school. I'm Wu Dong. I'm very glad to be your guide.

I want to tell you something about our school. Our school was founded in, the number of students has ended, teachers in addition to the teaching building, there is a class. We have a library of different subjects and a school workshop.

We have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. We take part in various activities, such as ball games, painting, singing and dancing. Now let me show you around our school.


你好,朋友们 欢迎您来我们学校,我是吴东,我很高兴能成为您的向导。我想告诉您一些关于我们学校的情况。我们学校成立于年,学生人数已经结束,老师们除了教学楼外,还有一个班级。

我们有一个不同学科的图书馆和一个学校工作坊 我们上午有四节课,下午两节课下课,我们参加各种各样的活动,如球类游戏、绘画、唱歌和跳舞 现在让我带您参观一下我们学校。


标签: 高分 七年级 作文 介绍 年级

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