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关于”我的弱点“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My weakness。以下是关于我的弱点的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My weakness

Santa Claus was born in the United States in the S. he was named Santa Claus because he had a white beard and abdomen, so he was named Santa Claus, because it means Saint Nicholas in Dutch. Although the Dutch bought him in the century, he didn't become Santa Claus until the novelist Washington Owen wrote him in his novel An important person.

He wrote a novel. Santa Claus is still known as Saint Nicholas. He did smoke a pipe and fly around in a carriage without reindeer, but he was not dressed in red or living in the north pole, but he did bring gifts to the children, and every year he was named Santa Claus, dressed in red, with a pipe, with reindeer and sleigh.





2:我的弱点,I like clean things, which sounds good to me, but the problem is that I can't stand the dirty environment around me, I'm picky about the environment, I need to make some changes, I have to adapt to the normal situation, so it's hard for me to learn to wash dirty clothes and do some dirty work, but I'm starting to overcome my weaknesses.




3:我的弱点,Sometimes, your biggest weakness can become your biggest advantage. For example, a one year old boy who lost his left arm in a devastating car accident decided to learn judo. The boy began to study with a Japanese judo master.

The boy got good grades, so he didn't understand why. After three months of training, the master only taught him one move "consciousness". The boy finally said, "shouldn't I learn more moves?" "this is the only move you know, but it's the only move you need to know." the teacher replied that he didn't quite understand, But believing in his teacher, the boy continued training a few months later, and the priest took the boy to his first game.

He is also very surprised, the boy easily won the first two games, the third game is more difficult, but after a period of time, his opponent became impatient, he cleverly used his one move to win the game, he is still surprised by his success, the boy is now in the last time, his opponent is bigger, stronger and more experienced for a time, the boy seems to be better than his opponent Strong, worried that the boy might be injured, the referee called a pause, he was about to stop the game, the mental intervention "no", the mind insisted, "let him continue." soon after the game resumed, his opponent made a big mistake: he immediately relaxed his vigilance, the boy won the match, he was the champion on the way home, the boy and the teacher reviewed every game Then the boy plucked up the courage to ask what he was thinking, "teacher, how can I win the game with only one move." you won two "reasons," the teacher replied, "first, you've almost mastered the most difficult throwing movement in judo. Second, the only known defense for this move is to let your opponent grab your left arm." The boy's greatest weakness became his greatest advantage.





标签: 英文 六年级 作文 万能 年级

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