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关于”他曾打算花xx年时间环游中国“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:He planned to spend five years traveling around China。以下是关于他曾打算花xx年时间环游中国的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:He planned to spend five years traveling around China

Lifehackorg's online reading article has many ways to make your leisure time better, but it is really possible to get more from your rest time, not only to make it more efficient, but also to make it more enjoyable. Breaking the work / entertainment distinction, I believe the answer is different from the way many of us have learned how to spend our leisure time Since childhood, we have been taught to divide everything into two groups. Work and leisure include all the things we need to do, while leisure is everything else.

It is not necessarily wrong to divide the world. But the subtle message of this division is that work and leisure should not be similar to each other. Your work needs to be productive, efficient and challenging, so rest Leisure should be relaxed.

Nothing can be achieved. There is no pressure. Why does this kill your free time? The assumption is that work should be the opposite of leisure and destroy your leisure time.

The most pleasant moment in life is to relax in the fruits of labor. Research shows that the happiest moment in our life is the most devoted psychological researchers Mikhail hicksend Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) recorded this phenomenon through a device. At random points in time, the subjects filled in a form based on their feelings, thoughts and current activities.

He found that people had more pleasant experiences at work than at rest. He mentioned the paradox in his book, mobility: so we have a paradox: people in the workplace feel skilled Smart and challenging, so you feel happier, stronger, more creative and more satisfied in your spare time. People feel that there is usually nothing to do and their skills are not being used, so they tend to feel sadder, weaker, slower and more dissatisfied, but they are willing to do so.

I believe less work and more leisure.


Lifehackorg的网络阅读文章有很多种方式可以让你的闲暇时间过得更好,但真的有可能从你的休息时间中获得更多的东西,不仅仅是让这段时间更有效率,而且还可以让它变得更愉快打破工作/娱乐的区别我相信答案与我们很多人所学的如何度过闲暇时间的方法背道而驰我们从小就被教导要把所有要做的事情分成两组,工作和休闲包括我们需要做的所有事情,而休闲则是其他一切,这样分裂世界并不一定是错误的,但这种分裂所包含的微妙信息是,工作和休闲不应该彼此相似你的工作需要富有成效、高效且富有挑战性,因此休闲应该是放松的,一事无成,没有压力为什么这会扼杀你的空闲时间问题是这样的假设,工作应该是休闲的反面,破坏你的空闲时间生活中最愉快的时刻是在劳动成果中放松的信念与现实世界不符研究表明,我们生活中最愉快的时刻是我们最投入的心理学研究人员米哈利·希克森特米哈利(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)通过一种装置记录下了这一现象在随机的时间点上,受试者根据自己的感受、想法和当前的活动填写了一份表格,他发现人们在工作中比在休息时有更愉快的经历,他在书中提到了这个悖论,流动:因此我们有一个矛盾的情况:在职的人觉得自己有技巧,有挑战性,因此在业余时间会感到更快乐、更强壮、更有创造力和更满意。人们觉得通常没有什么事可做,他们的技能没有得到利用,因此往往会感到更悲伤、更软弱、更迟钝、更不满意,但他们愿意这样做我相信少工作,多休闲。


2:他计划花xx年时间周游中国,A mother saw her three-year-old son put a nickel in his mouth and swallowed it. She immediately picked him up, turned him over and hit him on the back. Then he coughed two coins loudly.

She called to her father outside: "your son just swallowed a nickel and coughed up two coins. What should I do?" The father replied, "keep feeding him five cents.".




3:他曾打算花xx年时间环游中国,To my surprise, unfortunately, Rita senior /

5 /: elanie /

5 /: Jason /

5 /: Rita senior /

5 /:, "etc but", "speaking and okbut writing, or but", "o r, so say speaking, and reading", "writing" and "spelling" ex: "modeler" "foder" = scooletc but Yes but "" elanie /

5 /: Jason /

5 /: word attack cloze test let's read "let's talk" or "let's read" gogo likes English textbooks. Thank you very much, Lily lisly /

5 /: Rita senior /

5 /: "student /

5 /: cloze, PDA, handheld device expectation Plato Jason /

5 /: J /

5 /: PDA, handheld device expectation

5 /: J /

5 /: J /

5 / /

5 /: word attack, cloze, PDA, handheld device expectations Plato Jason /

5 /: J /

5 /:,:, tks Maggie w Maggie w /

5 /: Rita senior /

5 /: Spelling & Grammar Linda /

5 /: Rita Senior /

5 /: Spelling: Spelling & Grammar Linda /

5 /: Rita senior /

5 /: [> > > to my surprise, it's natural and natural that can't be forgiv > > > > > > > > > > > > > >:) kimichen /

5 /:

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5 /: Rita senior /

5 /: "KK KK" and "Rita senior /

5 /:", "" @ "@ /

5 /: Rita senior /

5 /: J /

5 /: Rita senior /

5 /:.


让我大吃一惊的是,不幸的是,丽塔·丽塔·senior/5/:Elanie/5/:Jason/5/:Rita senior/5/:,“etc But”,“Speaking and okbut Writing,or But”,“o r,so say Speaking,and Reading”,“Writing”和“Spelling”ex:“moder”“foder”“”=scooletc But Yesbut”“,Elanie/5/:Jason/5/:单词攻击完形填空让我们去读“让我们谈谈”或“让我们读”Gogo喜欢英语课本,非常感谢Lisly Lisly/5/:Rita senior/5/:“Studior/5/:单词攻击、完形填空、PDA、手持设备期望Plato Jason/5/:J/5/:/5/:单词攻击、完形填空、PDA、手持设备期望Plato Jason/5/:J/5/:/5/:单词攻击、完形填空、PDA、手持设备期望Plato Jason/5/:J/5/:,:,TKS maggie w maggie w maggie w/5/:Rita senior/5/:ㄚ,拼写&g rammar Linda/5/:Rita senior/5/:[>>>令我惊讶的是>>>>不可饶恕的自然而然地>>>>>>>>:)kimichen/5/:/5/:非常出乎我意料的自然自然的Rita Rita senior/5/:Rita senior/5/:““KK KK”和“Rita senior/5/:”“”“”“@”@/5/:丽塔高级/5/:J/5/:丽塔高级/5/:。


标签: 中国 五年级 作文 万能 年级

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