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关于”幸运与成功“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Luck and success。以下是关于幸运与成功的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Luck and success

Every day is lucky. I taught economics at UNLV last Monday, three times a week. During class, I asked my students happily about their weekend.

A young man said that his weekend was not so good that he pulled out his wisdom tooth, and then asked me why I was always so happy. His question reminds me of something I've read somewhere before: "every morning, when you wake up, you can choose how to do it." the day you want to be close to life, "I say," I choose to be happy. "Let me give you an example," I went on to say to 60 students in my class, "in addition to teaching at UNLV, I teach at community college in Henderson, a few weeks ago God, I drove these miles to Henderson I, got out of the freeway and turned into the college driveway.

I only had to drive a quarter of a mile to get to college, but then my car stalled, and I tried to start it again, but the engine couldn't turn, so I turned on the flash, grabbed my book, and as soon as I got to school, I called the AAA and arranged for one A trailer picked me up in my car. The Secretary in the dean's office asked me what had happened. "Today is my lucky day," I replied, smiling and saying, "your car broke down.

Today is your lucky day." she was confused. "What do you mean?" "I live a few miles away from here," I replied. "My car may have broken down anywhere on the highway, but it has broken down in the perfect place: away from the highway, not far from here, I can still take classes.

If my car breaks down today, I can arrange for a trailer to pick me up after class. It's very convenient Yes "The Secretary's eyes were wide open, and then she laughed, and I laughed too, and went to class. "So my story is over.

I scanned 60 faces in UNLV economics class, and although it was early, no one seemed to be asleep. My story moved them, or it wasn't a story at all. In fact, it all started with a student's observation, and I was very happy.





2:,The kind of world character who decides to succeed by himself is called lucky number. It can bring people living in legend, even success. But everyone knows that when the so-called lucky number, there is a way to deceive oneself.

The real success still depends on yourself. Even if you have one or two opportunities, but it is only occasionally. Lucky women will not always wish you from now on, No Use it to comfort yourself with lucky numbers.

When you succeed, who cares about your lucky numbers? Trust yourself, you can do it.




3:幸运与成功,Since we go to school, we are taught that if people want to succeed, they have to work hard, but the fact is, not everyone can get what they want. Even if hard work can't bring success, why do they need to work hard? Hard doesn't mean one Individual can succeed, success needs more factors, such as time, luck and so on. There is no doubt that if one doesn't work hard and strive for his own goals, he can't get what he wants.

Some actors start their career at a very young age. When they suddenly become famous, if they give up, they can't wait for their reputation. So, if they work hard, there are many chances of success.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 真题

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