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关于”写一篇去养老院做志愿者“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Write an article about volunteering in a nursing home。以下是关于写一篇去养老院做志愿者的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about volunteering in a nursing home

First of all, you have to meet with the staff and fill out an application form. If your volunteer service involves children or vulnerable adults, you must complete a criminal record check, the results of which are confidential, because all of these have been approved (this may take some time, you need to sign a volunteer agreement that sets out your responsibilities and our responsibilities to you. You will be assigned a volunteer coordinator (person in charge) who will help when needed.

You will also receive some basic training, and you are likely to have the opportunity to participate in more advanced training, depending on the situation. Your volunteer service is very beneficial for some people to share their skills and experience for the benefit of others, while others are willing to raise their awareness of a certain field or acquire employment skills.






2:,I'm writing to ask if you can do me a favor. I want to have a pen pal. I hope to be a girl in her twenties.

My interests are similar to mine. She is interested in traveling, swimming and playing table tennis. In addition, she'd better have a pet dog, because I've been at home for some time.

With such a pen pal, I think I can share with her our travel experience, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common. I believe I will improve my English level and learn more about her country by doing so. I look forward to hearing your greetings soon, Li Hua.




3:写一篇去养老院做志愿者,I plan to volunteer in an old people's home this Sunday. I will go to the old people's home not far from our school. We're going to bring some uits for the elderly.

We will also prepare some programs to make them happy, such as singing, dancing and playing magic. We have dinner with them in the evening. Do you think it will be very happy to be with the old people.





标签: 六年级 作文 真题 年级 志愿

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