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Eating habits as a country, we are becoming increasingly aware of what we and our children are eating. Recently, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver launched a campaign to improve school dinners to help raise people's awareness of our fast food lifestyle. Are healthy eaters or just trendy people? Have you ever done anything or not? Why are there so many food plans and books telling you what you should and shouldn't eat to stay healthy, it's hard to keep track of People are vegetarian for moral reasons.

Some people don't like the taste of meat. One or two of them do it because it's fashionable. It's fashionable to follow the latest celebrity diet.

Because celebrities eat out, people now eat out more frequently than in special occasions. Over the past few decades, the choice of restaurants has become diversified. Chinese and Indian restaurants have It has existed for many years, but now it has joined the ranks of Mongolia, Japan, Mexico and Turkey.

Bars and bars are still very popular and often promote locally made British cuisine for the Queen's recent birthday celebrations, with top British chefs scrambling to create a great British menu where we go out to dinner with friends a few times a month, or just as a couple. We like to try new things, so we went to Craig county Durham's different restaurants eat as they walk, from chocolate bars to sandwiches, to packaging. More people are eating out.

On the street, in cars, on buses and trains, our parents and grandparents may frown at this behavior and think it's impolite. People eat on the road because they move from one place to another; at home, sit at home The number of people eating dinner at the table is decreasing as meal times become less formal. If I'm late for work, I won't think twice about eating toast on the bus or bus, but I know my mother won't agree.

Although we may be trying to eat healthier, it seems that we still have some bad habits.



我们喜欢尝试新事物,所以去CraigCounty Durham的不同餐厅边走边吃,从巧克力条到三明治,再包装更多的人在外出就餐在街上,在汽车里,在公共汽车和火车上,我们的父母和祖父母可能会对这种行为皱眉头,认为这是不礼貌的行为,人们在路上吃饭是因为他们从一个地方赶到另一个地方;在家里,坐在餐桌旁吃晚饭的人数在减少,因为用餐时间变得越来越不正式。如果我上班迟到了,我不会再三考虑在车上或公共汽车上吃吐司,但我知道我妈妈不会同意的虽然我们可能正在努力吃得更健康,但似乎我们仍然有一些坏习惯。


2:,In Britain, children always go to school when they are five or six years old and finish ninth grade. Some of them go to high school for further study. Some of them go to vocational schools to learn some practical skills.

Vocational schools are much more interesting than high schools. Because there are many different courses in schools, such as machinery, electronics, transportation, computer programming, nursing, accounting and so on, vocational school students usually go to school They have classes in the morning and practice outside the school in the afternoon. Some of them work as cashiers in shops, some as waiters or waitresses in restaurants, some as guides to take tourists around the city, and sometimes they go to factories.

Old workers often teach them how to operate machines. Most of them work hard. They will get some work experience after graduation, so they will have more chances to find a good job.





3:英国,In most cases, students age from primary school to secondary school. In some areas, the primary and secondary levels are further subdivided. In a few areas, there are three-level education system.

Nursery education from the age of to the state funded can be full-time or full-time. If registered in the state, it starts from the semester after the child's fifth birthday, Children can enter school in September of the school year to start school in September of the school year, or unless students choose to stay in the education system, school attendance ends on the last Friday in June, the school year reaches the age under the national curriculum system, and all students receive standard assessment tests (sats) at the end of the critical stage of the core subjects, rather than basic subjects 。 In the case of teacher assessment, they usually take the GCSE examination in the last two years of the critical phase, but they can also take other levels of qualification. For example, GNVQ's previous test at the end of the critical phase is abandoned after the test.

At this time, the scoring process in the critical stage is seriously problematic. The assessment is conducted by the teachers, and the sixth year's College score is called "sixth grade" The use of the words "grade / Junior Grade 6" and "grade / Senior Grade 6" reflects their unique and voluntary nature and status. This is especially true in history.

This is due to the system of public schools. All forms are divided into lower grade, higher grade, sometimes junior grade and year version It should be called the "lower quarter", and so on. In some private schools, such as Wellington girls' school, this method of calculating years (lower quarter, upper quarter, lower fifth, etc.) is still in use.




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