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关于”人口增长“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:population growth。以下是关于人口增长的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:population growth

With the growth of population, there are many problems. For example, we don't have enough food for all the people in the world. Many people are unemployed.

Cities are too crowded. Air and water pollution. China is the most populous agricultural country in the world.

There are many people living below the poverty line. We should implement the one-child policy to control population growth. If there is only one healthy child in each family Son, we can all live a happy life.

What do you think.




2:,The progress of science and the improvement of living conditions make the world's population grow rapidly. For example, modern medicine makes it possible for infants to grow healthily, and people's life expectancy is also prolonged with the improvement of living conditions. Especially in rural areas, people tend to have larger families.

The world population is growing rapidly, which has exceeded 100 million. However, the rapid growth of population poses a threat to the survival of human society. With a large population, a large amount of food supply and housing space are needed.

Limited productivity and scarce natural resources are difficult to meet the needs of the growing population. Therefore, in the long run, the rapid growth of world population will only damage the stable development of human society. Human beings must recognize the consequences and importance of rapid population growth, and only take effective measures to implement planning Only through education can human society develop steadily and have a bright future.




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