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关于”生气“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:get angry。以下是关于生气的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:get angry

There are many things in my life, not all things can make me happy. When I meet happy things, I will behave well, but I can remind myself not to be too conceited. When I encounter bad things, I will also be angry and depressed, but I often encourage me, and bad luck will soon disappear.

I remind me not to suppress, tomorrow will be better.




2:生气,Generally speaking, one thing's life will be more or less accompanied by their own memory, that is, small, because the desk is always a competition area, sometimes there will be a big fight, in order to let even half of the table, but also draw a line from the middle, do not think it should be the students should be peaceful coexistence.




3:生气,Everyone gets angry when they quarrel with others. If we can't deal with bad mood well, the way to deal with bad mood is very important. When I am angry, we may lose important people in our life.

I will tell myself not to say anything, because no matter what I say, it will hurt others. Bad mood will make me lose my sense. So I need to calm down and be alone.

I will listen to light music or watch interesting TV programs I will reconsider my attitude, and then things will become easier, and I will learn to control my bad mood.




标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业

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