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关于”个人品质对成功的重要性“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The importance of personal quality to success。以下是关于个人品质对成功的重要性的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of personal quality to success

In education and psychology, the key to a person's intelligence is determined by genes, or training after training. There are always different opinions supporting the evidence that postnatal plays a decisive role in intelligence. It is mainly from a group of people who gain self-confidence and strive to improve their intelligence quotient.

There is a kind of local interesting academic research on college students. They have just taken this step to recruit some first-rate students In my opinion, as long as the academic achievements of the two groups are not higher than those of the former two years, they can't change their academic achievements. However, as long as they can't improve their academic achievements, some of them can't change their academic achievements People who can change are better.

This result shows that the concept of personal ability affects those who are willing to change their ability to pay nature, hoping that you can make a return, that is, the effort is futile, or further efforts are no different, naturally reluctant efforts. The difference in the reward of these efforts has caused different achievements, and obviously obtained the change of personal ability factors.




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