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George Osborne Bank of Canada yesterday defied Convention by appointing a foreigner, mark Carney BOE, governor of Canada's central bank, to run the Bank of England with the task of restructuring the Bank of England as it takes over power Carney BOE), the city of London, hailed the appointment as a fresh air and a new challenge, an encouraging sign that the British government wants to show that Britain is open to overseas business (the city of London ‰ the prime minister's sudden coup was to woo Carney a few months ago to attract an outsider to clean up the Bank of England, and Carney will succeed Mervyn· Sir Mervyn King became the first foreigner in the Bank of England's one-year history to head the Bank of England after his term ended in July (SIR Mervyn King the Chancellors) for nine months in an effort to attract Mr Carney, putting the new bank's strengths in a unique position of power. His negotiated base salary is much higher than that of Sir Mervyn King, who will raise his annual salary to the pound sterling Mr Carney has already set. Osborne's term is only five years, not the eight-year term that is not legally renewable.

Mr Osborne has spared no effort to attract the one-year-old Canadian, who is also the financial stability board Chairman of the board, the global body that formulates international banking regulatory assistants, said he was impressed by the management style, private sector experience, central bank records and international regulatory knowledge of a former Goldman Sachs banker Mr Osborne said Mr Carney was an outstanding candidate for the governor of the Bank of England and would help the UK through this difficult economic period. He is the most excellent, experienced and qualified person in the world.


乔治•奥斯本(George OsborneBank of Canada)昨日无视惯例,任命了一位外国人,即加拿大央行行长马克•卡尼(Mark CarneyBoE)来管理英格兰银行,其任务是在英国央行(Britains central Bank of Canada)接掌大权之际,对该行进行改组(Mark CarneyBoE),伦敦金融城盛赞这一任命,认为这是一股新鲜空气,也是一次新的挑战令人振奋的迹象表明,英国政府希望表明英国对海外商业开放(伦敦金融城‰英国首相的突然政变是在几个月前向卡尼求爱,以期吸引一个局外人来整顿英国央行后,卡尼将接替默文·金爵士(Sir Mervyn King)在xx月任期结束后,成为英国央行xx年历史上第一位执掌英国央行行长的外国人(默文•金爵士(Sir Mervyn King the chancellors)九个月来努力吸引卡尼先生,使这位新行长处于一个独特的权力地位。他谈判出的基本工资比默文爵士(Mervyn King)高得多,而默文爵士的年薪将升至卡尼先生已经规定的英镑奥斯本的任期仅为xx年,而不是立法规定的不可更新的xx年任期。奥斯本先生不遗余力地吸引这位年仅xx岁的加拿大人,他同时也是金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board)主席,这家负责制定国际银行业监管助理的全球机构表示,前高盛银行家的管理风格、私营部门经验、央行记录和国际监管知识给他留下了深刻印象(金融稳定委员会高盛(Goldman Sachs)公布了下议院的任命,奥斯本表示,卡尼是英国央行(bankofengland)行长的杰出候选人,他将帮助英国度过这段艰难的经济时期。



The Bank of Japan also needs outside thinking. The British government boldly decided to appoint mark Carney, a Canadian, as governor of the Bank of England. This is a logical inference, that is, Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England, the unsuccessful presidential candidate Tucker is the governor of the Bank of England and the next governor of the Bank of Japan This modest proposal is mostly a joke, but after years of failure by the Bank of Japan to overcome deflation, the Bank of Japan may need some new ideas to deal with it.

Even in Tokyo, it is impossible for Japan to appoint a foreigner to lead one of its most important institutions. However, imagine an outsider who is not familiar with the orthodox ideas of the Bank of Japan is called up In fact, it is Shinzo Abe who is most likely to become Japan's next leader. If Abe wins next month's general election, the former prime minister is ready to return to work.

In terms of monetary policy, that is to say, the doves among Hawks have put forward some new ideas. He hopes that the government will set an inflation target, which he initially proposed He said the BoJ should pursue unlimited easing monetary policy. Abe has hit back in recent days, especially in his view that the Bank of Japan should buy construction bonds, but he threatened to amend the laws of the Bank of Japan if the Bank of Japan did not cooperate.

He has also been attacked for alleged violations of the central bank's independence. His position has many advantages (sometimes the Bank of Japan law, the Bank of Japan gives the impression that it does not think deflation is a bad thing, it opposes setting inflation targets - it reluctantly adopts a smaller target - on the grounds that it may not be able to achieve it, because in a deflationary environment Normal policy instruments are ineffective, and it does not want to be seen financing government spending directly because it will prevent the government from making difficult decisions, such as raising taxes, cutting spending and forcing industrial restructuring.


日本央行也需要外界思考,英国政府大胆决定任命加拿大人马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)担任英国央行行长,这是一个合乎逻辑的推论,即让英国央行副行长、未成功的总裁候选人保罗·塔克(Paul Tucker)出任英国央行行长,下一任日本央行行长(英国马克•卡尼银行(Mark CarneyBank of England)【保罗•塔克班克(Paul TuckerBank of Japan)】这一温和的提议大多是在开玩笑,但在日本央行多年来未能战胜通货紧缩之后,日本央行可能需要一些新的思路来应对,即使是在东京,日本也不可能任命一名外国人来领导其最重要的机构之一,然而,想象一个没有深谙日本央行正统思想的局外人被征召入伍,实际上,最有可能成为日本下一任领导人的人选正是安倍晋三,如果安倍晋三在下个月的大选中获胜,这位前首相准备重返工作岗位,而安倍晋三在货币政策方面,也就是说,鹰派中的鸽派提出了一些全新的想法,他希望政府设定一个通胀目标,他最初提出的目标是百分之%,如果没有达到目标,央行行长将承担责任,他说,日本央行应该推行无限宽松的货币政策,安倍最近几天有所回击,特别是他认为日本央行应该购买建设债券,但他威胁说,如果日本央行不合作,他将修改日本央行的法律。他还因为所谓的侵犯央行独立性而受到抨击他的职位有很多优点(有时日本银行法,日本央行给人的印象是,它并不认为通缩是一件坏事,它反对设定通胀目标——它不情愿地采用了一个更为胆小的目标——理由是它可能无法实现这一目标,因为在通货紧缩的环境中,正常的政策工具是无效的,它也不愿意被人看到直接为政府支出融资,因为这将使政府无法做出艰难的决定,如增税、削减开支和迫使产业重组。


I walk very carefully in the forest because I am afraid of being attacked by snakes: I walk very carefully in the forest because I am afraid of being attacked by snakes. I'm afraid of splashing attacks, so I'm always very careful when walking in the forest. I was afraid of the splash attack, so I walked very carefully in the forest.




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