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关于”以不同的方式看待“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Look at it in a different way。以下是关于以不同的方式看待的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Look at it in a different way

As a housewife, due to the development of e-commerce, I can choose what I need instead of going out. Although I have never tried online shopping overseas, the feelings of those who have done online shopping are fully understandable. No one will refuse to buy ideal products with high quality and reasonable price, especially when the domestic products encounter a crisis of trust, and the public do not believe them However, there are two sides to everything.

Sometimes, consumers will take risks, because after-sales service may be missing. If a lot of expenses have been lost overseas, it is legal for consumers to buy things from abroad without paying taxes. How can we promote our own economic growth with consumption? I really doubt that the most important thing at present is to improve the quality and safety network of our own products Chinese mainland China has a two way to buy food.

We can buy a safer and cheaper milk powder. The scandal in mainland China has led to the above crazy buying in Britain. This reflects to some extent the notorious repute of food safety in China.

The price of electronic products and brand cosmetics is much lower. The famous websites with higher quality also have regular promotions; on the other hand, they also have a regular promotion. As the website is not in Chinese, we are suffering from its disadvantages.

Some customers may find it difficult to make clear the instructions and other information. The products arrive for a long time and may be lost in the process of transportation. In addition, it is inconvenient to return or exchange goods at the end, and consumers have a higher risk of paying through the Internet.

We can't expect online shopping to be perfect.




On the other hand, different ways are different: I stand at my desk reminding myself that we have to constantly look at things in different ways. The two distorted forms of educational power destroy the legitimate educational power in different ways, making it a kind of deconstruction and Exorcism power, http://cidianyoudaocom.




All of a sudden, all three children's faces lit up. They began to jump and laugh in the back seat. As we got out of the car, the three children ran into the front door and went straight to the toys under the Christmas tree.

One of the girls found Jill and immediately held it to her chest. I remember the little boy grabbing the ball and another girl picking up my things. It all happened a long time ago, but my memory is still very clear, it was a Christmas, my sisters and I learned to make others happy.

My mother noticed that the middle child was wearing a short sleeve dress, so she only wore sweaters to Jill, the girl; my father invited them to join us for Christmas dinner at my grandparents' house, but my parents refused, even though we all tried to persuade them to come, their decision was firm. Back in the car, on the way to Winborn, my father asked the man if he had the money to buy a bus ticket. His brother gave him the ticket.

The man said that my father put his hand into his pocket and took out two dollars, which was all he had left before the next payday. He put the money into the hands of a man who wanted to give it back, but my father insisted that I would be late when you got to Birmingham, and until then, the children would be hungry. I've been broke before and I know what it's like when you can't feed your family.

As we drove away, we left them at the bus stop in Winborn, and I looked out the window as long as I could, looking back at the little girl with the new doll.






标签: 英文 作文 专业 方式 满分

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