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关于”如何保持良好的情绪“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:How to keep good mood。以下是关于如何保持良好的情绪的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to keep good mood

As the saying goes, laugh from time to time, in a competitive society, you will have a good mood every day. We are often faced with great difficulties in work and study. So what should we do with them? A good treatment is to keep a good mood every day.

Everyone is in a good mood. A good mood can create high efficiency. When you have a job in a good mood, you will feel happy and willing to do some boring work.

Bad mood will make you passive and unwilling to do things. A good mood is also good for your health. Good health and good mood complement each other.

If you can't keep a good mood, you will feel depressed, which is easy to cause some psychological obstacles. There are several ways to help you have a good mood. The important thing is that a person should have an optimistic attitude towards life, that is to say, no matter what difficulties and troubles he encounters, he should be full of confidence in the bright future of his life; secondly, he should cultivate extensive interests Hobbies, which will help one to increase fun and reduce trouble in life.

Finally, a person should have more communication with others. By communicating with others, misunderstanding can be eliminated and harmonious interpersonal relationship can be maintained. All these can help to maintain good mood:.







2:,In order to maintain a good mood, you need: exercise is the key. Exercise releases feel good chemicals, such as dopamine and endorphin, which makes us more calm and calm subconsciously. If you can get your exercise to talk to your friends about the exercise you've just done, you won't believe that a minute of jogging every day will have a better effect on your health, or ask them for some advice.

It's undoubtedly a great rest and try to work as hard as you can towards your goals. We like to be rewarded for what we do. Keep saying to yourself that we've done something that makes all our efforts worthwhile and will inspire us to read more.

Don't cling to your own worldview and read about other people (real or fictional, their hopes, their dreams, their struggles, you realize that humans suffer in some way It's easier for you to overcome your own pain to love others. We are social animals. We are born to love others, so that human beings can survive and thrive.

Do housework for your parents and give valuable advice to your friends. You will realize how much you get from the little things you breathe. It's a good thing to keep calm and meditate: it can make you in any situation The key to good meditation is absolute silence.

Scientific research that focuses on breathing, slow, deep breathing and steady breathing shows that if you focus on your heartbeat for a few seconds, your mood will rise dramatically. Try it today and see how it feels.





3:如何保持良好的情绪,How do we get along with our colleagues, we should first support, be honest and sincere. We should respect everyone who works in our company. Every employee should be treated equally as male employees.

We should not discriminate against our female colleagues. When we work with them, we should be more understanding and open. Second, we need to be contributors to our company.

We should be able to complete our projects independently. We should be able to work with us Co-operate harmoniously.




标签: 初一 高分 作文

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