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关于”对命运的理解“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Understanding of fate。以下是关于对命运的理解的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Understanding of fate

With the rapid development of society, almost everyone wants to receive education. However, many people think it is wrong: for them, perhaps most parents think so. Through education, they will, or their children will become outstanding scholars or rich businessmen.

Education only means fame and wealth. In my opinion, the purpose of education is based on deeper and more important spiritual and moral cultivation. When we study in school or university, of course, we are in order to deeply study various disciplines, because this is an indispensable thing and an indispensable basic element for our future career development.

Equally important is the moral education that we must accept in school or university. On the other hand, in order to shape the image of tourism, education does not only mean going to school, we can't just go to school As we are lucky people, if we can go to a certain place to study, we think that we have received good education and superiority. Therefore, we look down on those who can not get such a good opportunity.

As we all know, doctors are different from blacksmiths, not because the former has received higher education, and the latter has not finished my article. I would like to quote an old saying: learn anything, anything When it's time to learn, you have to learn. I think that's the real meaning of education.




2:对命运的理解,What is love? Maybe you have asked this question countless times, but when I was a student, you still couldn't get a satisfactory answer. What is love? I'm a boy. Even if I was attracted to some lovely girl, I would try to ignore love, because my education was traditional, because I thought my main task was to learn, but now I understand love It can't be limited, because I always use some indirect methods to express my thoughts.

Although my thoughts may not be known by my lover, although I once covered up my feelings, this feeling was felt by a girl in the University at that time. When I held her hand for the first time, I didn't know whether it was love or friendship. I knew that my love was coming Can't refuse or escape, because my heart is so excited, I began to understand love, not holding the hand of the lover, not giving her a hug, not giving her a kiss, nor the worry that she is not around you, it is the miss when she is far away from you, some love when she is not in good health, is the forgiveness when she makes mistakes.

Love may be a mystery, no one can fully understand its meaning, because Because we are ordinary people, not saints. I want to use beautiful language to describe love, but I still feel that I can't express my view on love, perhaps because of my limited language ability or my limited understanding of love.




3:对命运的理解,For me, I join the volunteer work to help the disabled wholeheartedly, because I think that if the disabled have the opportunity to participate in more social activities, they will participate more in the mainstream society, but their social participation must be accompanied by our help. Therefore, how important is voluntary work? Volunteer work has always been regarded as a kind of not only benefiting others, but also benefiting others It can benefit our own wings, so let's volunteer.




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