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关于”有关电脑的功能“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About computer features。以下是关于有关电脑的功能的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About computer features

I like watching movies very much, because movies are easy to attract my attention. I will soon be immersed in stories, unlike books full of words, which makes me easily tired. One of the functions of movies is to quickly attract people's attention.

Movies are interesting, and people can clearly see what happened. Another important function of movies is to show people the culture we can From the film we can see the culture of various countries. A good film, like an American film, reflects the director's views or values of the world.

Personal heroism is everywhere. In reality, Americans do advocate personal heroism. They pursue individuality in Indian films.

We can see that there are many poor people and women. That is, good movies are not people's learning The good way of West.




Network virus spread cyberspace experts said the worrisome red code computer worm continues to spread on the Internet, but so far, electronic eavesdroppers considered to be a threat to global Internet traffic seem to have little impact. Since the release of the "red code" eavesdropper earlier on Wednesday, network traffic has not been seriously disturbed, but experts warned The threat may not be greater than California's keynote Bill Jones, a spokesman for systems, a company that helps businesses conduct e-commerce, I haven't said anything we call unusual so far, but we certainly will, but the FBI says that the red code worm is still spreading, potentially infecting Internet sites and causing serious disruption to the traffic on the world wide web. "I expect the worm may still be It doesn't work, I think, because it's a geometric progression process, because it infects machines and they infect other machines, so you have a chance to see that over time, at the UTC meeting on Wednesday, you can immediately anticipate something, which I don't think is realistic, but in the next few hours and days, we will certainly see a decrease "Last month, the computer systems attacked by the worm were not only those running on Microsoft's operating system (including the White House website), but also prompted the Pentagon to close the website at that time.

However, the suggestions put forward by the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) and network industry leaders for Internet users to take preventive measures may have achieved more than 100 effects so far Ten thousand people have downloaded a so-called patch from Microsoft's website, which can prevent computers from being infected with worms [w: M] n traffic trafik] n, impact impAkt] n, VT, unlease [qn5li: F] V significant [Si ^ 5nifekent] adj, geometric progression n unreactive [qnrie5listik] adj PATF] n.


网络病毒传播网络空间专家说,令人担忧的红色代码电脑蠕虫病毒继续在互联网上传播,但到目前为止,被认为是全球互联网流量威胁的电子窃听器似乎影响不大,自周三早些时候“红色代码”窃听器被释放以来,网络流量没有受到严重干扰的报道,但专家警告说,这种威胁可能远未超过加州Keynote Systems的发言人比尔·琼斯,这家帮助企业进行电子商务的公司,到目前为止,我还没有说过任何我们称之为不寻常的话,但我们肯定会的,但联邦调查局说,红色代码蠕虫仍在蔓延,有可能感染互联网网站,并对万维网的流量造成严重干扰“我预计蠕虫病毒可能还没有运行,我认为,因为它是一个几何级数的过程,由于它感染了机器,它们也感染了其他机器,所以你有机会看到随着时间的推移,在UTC星期三的会议上,你可以立即预料到一些事情,我认为这是不现实的,但在接下来的几个小时和几天里,我们肯定可以看到减速“上个月,该蠕虫病毒攻击的电脑系统不止是运行在微软操作系统(包括白宫网站)上的电脑系统,并促使五角大楼当时也关闭了网站,但联邦调查局(FBI)和网络行业领袖们提出的让互联网用户采取防范措施的建议,到目前为止可能已经收到了效果,超过一百万的人从微软的网站下载了一个所谓的补丁,可以防止电脑感染蠕虫病毒[w:m]n traffic trAfIk]n,,,impact ImpAkt]n,vt,unlease[Qn5li:F]v significant[sI^5nIfEkEnt]adj,geometric progression n unreactive[QnrIE5lIstIk]adj pAtF]n。


Computers you may know about computers all your life, but computers don't really exist for a long time. Computers began to be popular with big companies in the 's. computers didn't become popular at home and school until's, when people used computers in many ways, shops used computers to track, banks used computers to send money around the world, computers helped teachers record courses and grades, they helped students do research and study, computers connected you to the Internet Computers solve research problems engineers use computers to make cars, trucks and airplanes.

Architects use computers to design houses and other buildings. Police use computers to track criminals. The army uses computers to make coded information.




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