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关于”描述自己过生日的经历“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Describe your birthday experience。以下是关于描述自己过生日的经历的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe your birthday experience

Today is my birthday. I ate boiled eggs for my mother in the morning. As far as I am concerned, I know my mother's birthday is very hard to endure.

Mom, I know that I have worked hard to eat eggs for my mother. My mother's life is as hard as ever. But I'm very happy with my good friend's SMS blessing.

In the evening, several good friends bought me birthday gifts and ate my birthday cake. I think today I am The happiest person in the world.




On every birthday, Americans celebrate not only growth, but also the passing of another year. Therefore, the candle is a symbol of life and death, as well as hope and fear. When a person makes a wish on these symbols, he or she will pray for strength to get good luck.

When the person extinguishes these symbols, he or she indicates that he or she wants to obtain a degree and controls everything.




My birthday my birthday is December 4th. Before my birthday, my friends suggested a party, but I didn't think it was creative enough, so we decided to go on an outing that day. My friends came to my house early and brought me all kinds of gifts, such as books, cards, calendars and photo albums, even a plush pig.

We soon started our journey I found it was beautiful and interesting outside the school. Clouds, sunshine, trees, flowers and plants were all very interesting. They all said that my birthday was very special and interesting.

My next birthday party was in February. I would get up early that morning. I would go to the market to buy some snacks and drinks for the evening party.

My mother would buy me a gift. I hope it is a Barbie doll. My sister will Buy me a pair of red boots with crystal ornaments.

She knew that I had been looking forward to buying it a long time ago, but there was not enough money in the afternoon. I had to clean the room, decorate the room and prepare for the evening party. My friends are going to my birthday party.

We are going to eat cakes, sing songs and play games together. We'll all have a good time. What a wonderful birthday party I'm going to have.

I can't wait.





标签: 初中 英文 作文 满分 生日

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