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关于”羽毛球的规则“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Rules of badminton。以下是关于羽毛球的规则的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Rules of badminton

Badminton he has a lot of personality when he plays badminton. He sometimes goes to badminton club when he is at school. Every Sunday we go to the nearest gymnasium to play badminton.

I like playing badminton in my spare time. Playing badminton with a light long handle racket on the court.




Today, because I had nothing to do, my father decided to take me to the gym. Someone was playing all kinds of sports. I saw my father play badminton.

He taught me how to play it. It was easy for me to learn. After a period of time, I could play with my father.

I fell in love with this sport and I would play it on weekends.




The white bird made a beautiful arc in the blue sky and hit it hard with my racket. It turned like a bullet and aimed at the target. I called to my sister: "since we learned the basic skills, we have loved playing badminton." This is not only a sport, but also an old friend who entertains us happily on our boring afternoon.

We will grab a pair of rackets and start a game of birds that need precise and rapid control between the rackets. It makes me full of victory and joy, as if I am a first-class badminton player, and also teaches me how to get happiness from simple games, while maintaining the stability of the game Keep our physical and mental health.




标签: 四年级 作文 真题 年级 规则

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