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关于”我的年度总结“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My annual summary。以下是关于我的年度总结的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My annual summary

^^Summer vacation is the happiest summer vacation this year. I spent 15 days in the countryside to help my grandparents do farm work. There, I saw the mountains and fields covered with green plants.

Sometimes I go swimming in the river in the west of the village. The river is clear. In addition to doing farm work, I keep a diary every day.

I help the children nearby in class. They are very interested in English. They read and write very well, but they can hardly understand simple English.

So I spend two hours every morning to help them improve their listening and speaking. They have made great progress, Now I realize that they all need the knowledge of the countryside^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.




Agree or disagree) discuss and give your opinion. Economic progress is a way to measure the success of a country. Other factors are also important.

What are the other factors? In some countries, which factor is the most important one; in another country, the government pays for students' college life. In some countries, the advantages of students' self-care and the advantages of paying for students by the government outweigh the disadvantages There are several sources of funding for Education: all costs of higher education are paid by the government, all expenses are paid by students, and all expenses are paid by students with government loans. What are the advantages of these methods? Which is the best.




Recently, Time magazine published the person of the year on its cover. Five women from different fields appeared on the cover. They were called the silent breaker.

They were selected for the honor because of their courage to fight for women's rights not long ago. Many famous Hollywood actresses have come forward to blame the famous director for attacking them later, and more and more female actors are playing She claimed that she had been harassed and strongly supported the girls in telling their stories. Over the past 30 years, directors have used their own power to harass many actresses.

However, more and more male actors have exposed the terrible situation of taking advantage of the advantages of actresses. This is a bad habit advocated by men and women for a long time. Women are equal.

Women always fight for the same pay and rights as men. They have also made progress As more and more women unite to fight for their rights, men must realize the importance of respecting women. The rising power of women is the progress of human society.




标签: 雅思 作文 真题 总结

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