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关于”不断完善自己“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Constantly improve yourself。以下是关于不断完善自己的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Constantly improve yourself

Different people's imagination of the story is completely different. I have heard these stories before, and the picture comes to my mind: when I see a place in Germany, which is said to be the place where the bagpiper leads the children to leave, it is in a way different from what I imagined. Paying attention to this makes me realize how our creativity works Shaped my perception of the world I later learned how these stories portray life problems in miniature.

These stories are psychological mirrors. As we mature, bedtime stories have a huge impact on our identity. People identify with some of the characters in the stories they heard in their childhood.

To some extent, many people live in these stories, and to a large extent, they don't Know how much these old stories affect our lives. The story of Piper reminds us that every parent must deal with the problem of letting their children leave. If we regard this story as a reflection of the inner world, every former child must face the feelings of what it means to leave home.

We can see that all the characters can represent all aspects of our personality, and the village leaders may represent the pragmatic and thrifty one If we deceive the imagination of appropriate time and resources, we can't fully appreciate our magical qualities and artistic talents. Things may get worse. Creativity and games will make us depressed.

If we want to understand our dreams, myths and events constitute a collective dream, we will understand our dreams in many ways To look at these stories, to study them, a talking animal in the story is often the voice of nature, in other information, we are reminded that we are also animals, we are animals, we are animals, we sometimes forget this, in our excessive spirit, too industrial culture, we are, first of all, animal biology, we are not only visitors to nature, or just We are the guardians of nature, and we are the guardians of nature, which is very important in the psychology of mythology, which may well represent the wisdom of the body. At the same time, the evil or evil characters may also represent the neglected or rejected aspects of ourselves.


不同的人对故事的想象是完全不同的,我以前听过这些故事,脑海中浮现出这样的画面:当我看到德国的一个地方,据说是派风笛手领着孩子们离开的地方,它在某种程度上与我想象的不一样,注意到这一点让我意识到了这一点我们的创造力是如何发挥作用的,它塑造了我对世界的感知 我后来了解到这些故事是如何以缩影的形式描绘生活问题这些故事是心理上的镜子,随着我们成熟的睡前故事对我们的身份有着巨大的影响人们对他们童年时听到的故事中某些人物的认同在某种程度上,很多人活在这些故事里,很大程度上不知道这些古老的故事对我们的生活有多大的影响。《风笛手》的故事提醒我们,每一位父母都必须处理好让孩子离开的问题,如果我们把这个故事看作是内心世界的反映,每一个以前的孩子都必须面对离家意味着什么的感受,我们看到,所有的人物都能代表我们个性的各个方面,村领导可能象征着务实、节俭的一面,如果我们欺骗了适当的时间和资源的想象,就不能充分欣赏我们的神奇品质和艺术才能,事情可能会变得糟糕,创造力和游戏会让我们陷入沮丧的状态,如果我们想了解我们的梦想,神话故事构成了一种集体梦想,我们都会在很多方面理解我们的梦想,我们可以看看这些故事,研究它们一个会说话的动物在故事中经常是大自然的声音,在其他信息中,我们被提醒我们也是动物我们是动物我们是动物我们有时会忘记这一点在我们过度的精神,太工业的文化中我们是,首先,动物生物我们不仅仅是大自然的访客,或者仅仅是大自然的看护者我们是大自然的守护者,在神话故事的心理上是至关重要的,这可能很好地代表了身体的智慧,同时,邪恶或邪恶的人物也可能代表我们自己被忽视或拒绝的方面。


I found in my experience that success can only be achieved through hard work. Many people fail in their work or study because they don't have the perseverance to live. Generally speaking, in many things, we have never done easily.

No one has promised us what will be therefore, if we want to succeed in life, we must be brave enough to win. Perseverance is the standard to distinguish the successful from the unsuccessful.


不断尝试直到成功这句话表明了毅力的重要性,我在我的经验中发现,只有通过努力才能成功许多人在工作或学习上失败了,正是因为他们没有毅力生活,总的来说,在很多事情上我们做得从来都不容易,没有人向我们承诺过什么会是 因此,如果我们想在生活中取得成功,我们必须勇敢地去赢得区分成功者和不成功者的标准是毅力。


When people talk about Russia, their first impression is that it is a fighting country, where people are very strong to protect themselves, but Russia has recently encountered a lot of troubles, the government and the United States have a bad relationship, so many people think that Russian athletes are banned from playing as part of the strategy. Many Russian athletes have been accused of taking Mariah after a conflict between the Russian and US governments Sharapova was one of them. She is Russia's most famous player.

She has fans all over the world. Although Maria explained why she took the wrong medicine, she still missed the chance to participate in this important game. The biggest news is that the Russian tennis team almost missed the Olympic Games because many of them failed to pass the new urine test rules.

The good news is that the Russian tennis team has finally qualified for the tournament, which many believe is the result of policy-making. These players have been accused of these crimes, but the fact is that many players have used the wrong drugs.


当人们谈论俄罗斯时,他们的第一印象是,这是一个战斗的国家,那里的人们非常坚强地保护自己,但是俄罗斯最近遇到了很多麻烦,政府和美国关系不好,因此,很多人认为俄罗斯的运动员被禁止参加比赛也是策略的一部分。在俄罗斯政府和美国政府之间发生矛盾之后,俄罗斯的许多体育运动员被指控服用了莎拉波娃(Mariah Sharapova)曾是其中之一她是俄罗斯最著名的球员,她在全世界都有球迷,尽管玛丽娅解释了她为什么吃错药,她仍然错过了参加这场重要比赛的机会最大的消息是俄罗斯网球队差点错过奥运会,因为他们中的许多人都没有通过尿检的新规则。好消息是,俄罗斯网球队终于获得了大赛的资格,很多人认为这是政策制定的结果这些球员遭受这些指控,但事实是许多球员使用了错误的药物。


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