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关于”良饮食坏习惯“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Good eating habits and bad habits。以下是关于良饮食坏习惯的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Good eating habits and bad habits

My hobby I am a junior. Although I am busy studying, I want to spend my time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano and surfing the Internet. One of my favorite hobbies is reading, because I have been learning Chinese characters for many years.

Since I began to learn Chinese characters, it not only can save time, but also, more importantly, it can help improve my understanding ability when reading. I can pass After reading Shakespeare's works, I learned a lot. I know how Hamlet read Socrates.

I can see how ancient Greek philosophers read Lu Xun. I went back to the old times of China.




Food patterns change over time. In a country, ingredients may appear in the local market. Immigrants from abroad cause cultural changes.

Food patterns always reflect the new influence of the century. Few people have time to go home for lunch. Many urban residents find themselves needing a bite close to their offices.

As a result, fast food and takeaway food are becoming more and more popular in many urban areas, and people who traditionally eat dinner at noon now enjoy it in the evening after work, which has an impact on other aspects of society. Traditionally, fast food and fast food sometimes threaten the unity of such a family when its members chase each other.




The diet pattern changes with time. In a country, the change of food materials in the local market from abroad is unpredictable. In the 20th century, few people had time to go home for lunch, but many city residents found that because they needed to have a bite near their office, fast food and takeaway food were becoming more and more popular in many urban areas.

People who traditionally had lunch at noon now enjoy it at night, because work has changed the eating pattern and has an impact on other aspects of society When members of the court chase each other fast food and fast food, it sometimes threatens the unity of such family members.




标签: 三年级 作文 年级 满分 饮食

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