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关于”圣诞节看法“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Christmas view。以下是关于圣诞节看法的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Christmas view

It is said that on a cold Christmas night, a farmer entertained a poor boy and gave him a big Christmas dinner. The boy cut off a branch of a fir tree and planted it on the ground. After the boy left, he said, "at this time of year, there will be many gifts on this branch.

I hope I can repay your kindness with this beautiful fir tree." The farmer found that the branch had grown into a big tree, and then he realized that the boy was the messenger of God. This is the origin of Christmas in western countries. No matter who you are, everyone will prepare a Christmas tree to increase the happiness of Christmas.

The Christmas tree is made of evergreen fir trees, which represent the eternal life. People put candles, flowers, toys and stars on the tree on Christmas Eve. People put Christmas gifts on the tree on Christmas Eve.

People sing and enjoy the tree.





2:圣诞景观,Christmas is the biggest festival in western countries. Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ in December. Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree and put it in the middle of the living room to make their house look softer and more beautiful.

Children always hang up Christmas socks, hoping that Santa Claus will come and put gifts in their socks. In fact, their parents put presents in their stockings. What's interesting about Christmas is that people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.




3:圣诞节看法,As we all know, Christmas is on December, and it is the biggest day in western countries. But on the day before Christmas, not so many people know China's white Christmas. If it snows, then the world will be white.

People are happy about it, because they think it means happiness and luck. So the significance of white Christmas lies in that it always snows heavily on Christmas Eve For the winter in western countries, all families get together and enjoy the snow. What a happy atmosphere it is for a family.




标签: 初二 英文 高分 作文 看法

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