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关于”足球的魅力“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The charm of football。以下是关于足球的魅力的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The charm of football

Football is connected with people all over the world. It has become a part of people's lives. Every day men's football matches are held all over the world.

Pick up a newspaper and you can learn about the results of football matches. We like playing football. We watch football matches after work during the world cup.

Millions of people watch their favorite team win on TV when they lose They give them three cheers when they lose, they feel sad, and we all want our national team to be the best in world football.




2:,Leslie Gerber, an American music critic, believes that the recorded music sets the wrong standard for live performance, thus damaging their performance quality. Failure to seize the opportunity can lead to boring and cautious music creation. Critics often complain that, according to Gerber, live music has a creative spontaneity that can't be copied.

It's a crowded venue and interaction with musicians, which brings the most interesting We stand very close to the performers, as if we were friends holding a party, she said. Figuer Sharkey, chairman of the live music forum of the British government, agreed in an interview with the guardian. Sharky said: live music is the closest and best interaction between people and the songs they have been listening to.

It just brings this connection closer and there is no other mechanism Allow this to happen: http://wwkekenetcom/read//shtml.


美国音乐评论家莱斯利·格伯认为,录制的音乐为现场表演设定了错误的标准,从而损害了他们的表现质量。未能抓住机会会导致枯燥、谨慎的音乐创作,评论家经常抱怨说,格伯说,所以现场音乐有一种无法复制的创作自发性录音 对黄,这是一个拥挤的场地和与音乐家的互动,带来了最有趣的



3:足球的魅力,Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is a natural gateway to Indochina, Burma and southern China. Its shape and geography is divided into four natural regions: mountains and forests in the north, paddy fields in the central plain, semi-arid farmland in the Northeast plateau and tropical islands, and the southern coastline of the peninsula. There are 70 provinces in Thailand, which are further divided into districts, districts and villages.

Bangkok is the capital and the center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. It is also the home of Thailand's respected royal family members. His majesty is recognized as the head of state, the head of state, the army, a supporter of Buddhism and all religions.




标签: 英文 作文 专业 满分 足球

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