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关于”感谢消费者“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Thank consumers。以下是关于感谢消费者的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank consumers

I dare say that most of you have encountered such a situation. When you go shopping, you find that there is something wrong with the product. You want the manager to compensate you, but the manager refuses.

Although you are very angry, as a consumer, you can do nothing. We need to protect our rights. When we find that the product does not meet the specifications, we have the right to claim compensation for the rights and interests of consumers It is legal and protected by law.

March is the international consumer rights and interests day. It pays special attention to consumers. If consumers find that there is fraud in stores, it will remind consumers to pay attention to their rights.

Consumers can call the police and protect their rights. Therefore, when we buy products, we need to be aware that our consumers' rights are protected by law.




2:感谢消费者,Commercial advertisements can be seen everywhere. People are easily attracted by these colorful advertisements. Most advertisements exaggerate the functions of products.

When consumers buy these products, they find themselves cheated to protect their rights and interests. If customers complain about manufacturers, the government will set up a department to solve the problem. This department will carry out an investigation and safeguard the customers' rights and interests Legitimate rights and interests.

If customers are cheated, the government will remind customers to pay attention to their legitimate rights and interests. They can charge for unqualified products and protect their rights when they spend money.




3:感谢消费者,Consumer day, also known as the international day for the protection of consumers' rights and interests, is a consumer day held on March every year to protect the rights and interests of consumers and strengthen customer cooperation and communication between countries. John F. Kennedy, the former president of the United States, was the first to put forward consumer day.

Consumers have four basic rights, namely, the right to enjoy commodity safety, the right to know the details of commodities, the right to freely choose commodities and the right to express personal goods. In addition, we would like to invite some special guests of China Central Television station to show their rights and interests in the evening, and let them know more about the rights and interests of our consumers Don't underestimate why people buy fake goods. Generally speaking, fake goods are much cheaper than real goods.

Check the goods before you pay. Pay attention to production date and storage method. If there is something wrong with the product, remember to get the receipt.

You can use ITI to get back your money. We think that every consumer should know their rights and protect their rights. This is our responsibility to make the market better and healthier.





标签: 英文 高分 七年级 作文 年级

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